Saturday, February 21, 2009


This NirvanaShtakam is in Sanskrit and a very beautiful creation of Shri Mat Adya Shankaracharya. Everybody consciously or unconsciously is in search of who I am? We have now reached an advanced stage where we know that I am not the body but then I may be the mind. Here in this Stotra Shri Mat Shankaracharya describes till the Fifth sholaka that what I am not. In last sholaka he is telling us that I am without any form like body or rupa, I am engulfing everything and everybody, I am everywhere, I have neither bondage nor freeness and I am sat, chit and Anand and I am shivoham shivoham.
Tenth House in our Horoscope: Please see my earlier post for the diagram of the horoscope showing houses with there numbers, so that you will get the idea of the house which I am referring here.
Tenth House: This house rules Karma, Service, profession, honor, respect, fame, success, failure, thigh, doctor, athletics, sacrifice, agriculture etc.

Thought for today
The cure for fear is faith.

Develop a plan for reaching to your goal.

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1 comment:

  1. Hello
    I wanted to introduce myself to you .
    Hello I am Gregory Sullivan .
    I live in Toronto Canada and I came across your blog.
    I think that it is very nice that you have this here.
    Its very informative.
    I had a question.
    I don't have a blog yet as I am new to this .
    I was wondering about the astrology aspect of my self and I was wondering if I may ask you a few questions?
    If you have the free time could you please e mail me and let me know .
    I have read the Bhagavad Gita a few times and after going to sleep I had the most amazing and real dreams that I have ever had.
    I then heard the Hanuman Chalisa a few times and it seems by grace the words have been placed in my mind for ever.
    I don't know how this happened as I don't know any other language but English.
    I think that the words have some sort of power or energy attached to them .
    How is it that I could remember all the words after only hearing it a few times?
    This has lead me on a long journey that has been so wonderful.
    I have been learning so much.
    I really have a special place in my heart for all the mantras/chants.
    Thank you for your time and energy!
    I hope to hear from you some time in the future.
    Gregory Sullivan
