Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rahu Kavacham राहुकवचम्

II राहुकवचम् II 
अथ राहुकवचम् 
अस्य श्रीराहुकवचस्तोत्रमंत्रस्य चंद्रमा ऋषिः I 
अनुष्टुप छन्दः I रां बीजं I नमः शक्तिः I 
स्वाहा कीलकम् I राहुप्रीत्यर्थं जपे विनियोगः II 
प्रणमामि सदा राहुं शूर्पाकारं किरीटिन् II 
सैन्हिकेयं करालास्यं लोकानाम भयप्रदम् II १ II 
निलांबरः शिरः पातु ललाटं लोकवन्दितः I 
चक्षुषी पातु मे राहुः श्रोत्रे त्वर्धशरीरवान् II २ II 
नासिकां मे धूम्रवर्णः शूलपाणिर्मुखं मम I 
जिव्हां मे सिंहिकासूनुः कंठं मे कठिनांघ्रीकः II ३ II 
भुजङ्गेशो भुजौ पातु निलमाल्याम्बरः करौ I 
पातु वक्षःस्थलं मंत्री पातु कुक्षिं विधुंतुदः II ४ II 
कटिं मे विकटः पातु ऊरु मे सुरपूजितः I 
स्वर्भानुर्जानुनी पातु जंघे मे पातु जाड्यहा II ५ II 
गुल्फ़ौ ग्रहपतिः पातु पादौ मे भीषणाकृतिः I 
सर्वाणि अंगानि मे पातु निलश्चंदनभूषण: II ६ II 
राहोरिदं कवचमृद्धिदवस्तुदं यो I 
भक्ता पठत्यनुदिनं नियतः शुचिः सन् I 
 प्राप्नोति कीर्तिमतुलां श्रियमृद्धिमायु 
रारोग्यमात्मविजयं च हि तत्प्रसादात् II ७ II 
II इति श्रीमहाभारते धृतराष्ट्रसंजयसंवादे द्रोणपर्वणि राहुकवचं संपूर्णं II 
राहुकवच स्तोत्र मंत्राचा मराठी अर्थः 
या राहुकवच स्तोत्रमंत्राचे चंद्रमा नांवाचे ऋषी आहेत. या स्तोत्राचा अनुष्टुप हा छंद आहे. रां हे बीज आहे. नमः शक्ती आहे. स्वाहा हे कीलक आहे. राहुपासून होणार्या त्रासांतून मुक्त होण्यासाठी हा जप करावयाचा आहे. 
१) राहुला मी नेहमी नमस्कार करतो. याचा मुगट सुपाच्या आकारासारखा आहे. सिन्हीकेचा (मुलगा) कराल आणि लोकांना भयप्रद असा हा आहे. 
२) निळे वस्त्र नेसलेल्याने माझ्या शिराचे रक्षण करावे. लोक ज्याला नमस्कार करतात त्याने माझ्या कपाळाचे, राहुने माझ्या नेत्रांचे तर अर्धशरीरधारीने माझ्या कानांचे रक्षण करावे. 
३) धूम्रवर्णाने माझ्या नाकाचे, शूलपाणिने माझ्या मुखाचे, सिन्हीकेच्या मुलाने माझ्या जिभेचे आणि कठिनाघ्रीकाने माझ्या कंठाचे रक्षण करावे. 
४) भुजन्गेशाने माझ्या भुजांचे, निलमाल्याम्बराने माझ्या हातांचे, मंत्रीने माझ्या वक्षःस्थळाचे, विधुंतुदाने माझ्या कुक्षिचे रक्षण करावे. 
५) विकटाने माझ्या कटिचे, सुरपूजिताने माझ्या ऊराचे, स्वर्भानुने माझ्या गुडघ्यांचे, जाड्यहाने जंघेचे रक्षण करावे. 
६) ग्रहपतीने माझ्या गुप्तांगाचे, भीषणाकृतीने माझ्या पायांचे, निलचंदन भूषविणार्याने माझ्या अन्य सर्वांगाचे रक्षण करावे. 
७)राहुचे हे कवच जो भक्तीभावाने, रोज शुद्धतेने म्हणतो त्यास सर्व प्रकारचे सौभाग्य देणारे, भुक्ती देणारे, कीर्ती देणारे, रोग-बंध-दुःखांतुन सोडविणारे,आरोग्य देणारे, आयुष्य वाढविणारे हे स्तोत्र आहे, 
अशा रीतीने श्रीमहाभारतांतील धृतराष्ट्र-संजय संवादांत द्रोणपर्वणीतील राहुकवच संपूर्ण झाले.  
आपल्या जन्मपत्रिकेमध्ये राहु अशुभ असेल तर या स्तोत्राचे नियमित पठण करावे. आरोग्य, पुत्र, धन, धान्य, पशु यांची प्राप्ती होते. याशिवाय दीर्घायुष्य हि लाभते.
Rahu Kavacham
Rahu Kavacham is in Sanskrit. It is from Shri Mahabaharat. It has arisen from the discussion in between Dhrutarashtra and Sanjay. Whenever Rahu is not favorable in the horoscope, by reciting Rahu Kavacham all troubles are vanished and Money, power, fame, name and all happiness is received. Rahu is supposed to be unfavorable when it is badly placed in the horoscope or Rahu is found with Mangal (Mars) who is number one enemy of Rahu.
Chandrama is the rushi of Rahu Kavacham. Anustup is the Chanda. Raam is the bija. namaha is the Shakti. Svaaha is the kilakam. This Rahu Kavacham is recited for Rahu so that all troubles rising because Rahu is badly placed in the horoscope are removed.
1) I always bow to Rahu whose crown is like winnowing fan. He is son of sihika i.e. Lioness. He removes troubles of people.
2) Let my head be protected by Nilambar (he, who has worn blue cloths.). Let my forehead be protected by Lokavandita. (People always bow to him hence Rahu is called as Lokavandita.). Let my eyes be protected by Rahu. Let my ears be protected by ArdhaSharirvan (he, who has only body and no head.).
3) Let my nose be protected by DhumravarNa. (He, who has smoke color body,). Let my mouth be protected by ShoolaPaNi. Let my tong be protected by son of lioness. Let my throat be protected by KaThinaaghrika.
4) Let my arms be protected by God of serpents. Let my hands be protected by Nilamalyambara. (He, who has worn blue color garlands and blue clothes,) Let my breast be protected by Mantri. Let my kukshi be protected by vidhuntuda. (Rahu is destroyer of the Moon; hence he is called as vidhuntuda.)
5) Let my waist be protected by Vikata. Let my breast be protected by Surpoojita. (He, who is worshiped by Gods,) Let my knees be protected by SvaBhanu. Let my thigh be protected by Jadyaha.
6) Let my ankle be protected by Grahpati. Let my feet be protected by Bhishanakruti. Let all my other parts of the body be protected by Nil, Chandan bhushana. (Rahu, who is Blue and Sandal pest, is applied on his body.)
7) Whosoever recites this Rahu Kavacham with devotion and faith, every day will receive Money, Fame and name, long healthy life and spiritual knowledge by the blessing of Rahu Bhagwan.

Thus here completes the Rahu Kavacham. It is from Shri MahaBharat and and it has arisen through the discussion of Dhrutarashtra and Sanjay at the time of DronParvani.
Rahu Kavacham 
Asya shri rahu kavach stotra mantrasya chandrama rushihi I 
Anushtup chandha ram bijam namaha shaktihi II 
Swaha kilakam rahu prithyartham jape viniyogaha III 
Pranamami sada rahum shoorpakaram kiritinam I 
Sainikeyam karalasyam lokanam bhayapradam II 1 II 
Nilambaraha shiraha patu lalaatam lokvanditaha I 
Chakshushi paatu me rahuhu shrotre tvardha shariravaan II 2 II 
Naasikaam me dhoomrvarnaha shoolapaanirmukham mam I 
Givaam me sinhika soonu kantham me kathinaagrikaha II 3 II 
Bhujamgesho bhujou paatu nilamaalyaambarha karou I 
Paatu vaksha sthalam mantri paatu kukshi vidhuntudaha II 4 II 
Katim me vikataha paatu urum me soor poojitaha I 
Swar bhaanur jaanuni paatu janghe me paatu janghyaha II 5 II 
Gulfou grahapatihi paatu paadou me bhishana krutihi I 
Sarvaani angaani me paatu nilash chandan bhushanaha II 6 II 
Rahor idam kavachmrudhidavastudam yo I 
haktta pathatya nudinam niyataha shuchihi san I 
Praapnoti kirtim atulaam shrimruddhimaayu 
Raarogyam aatmavijayam cha hi tat prasaadaat II 7 II 
Iti shri maahaabhaarate dhrutarashtra-sanjay samvaade dronparvani 
Raahu kavacham sampoornam II
Mars in the fourth house is favorable for Land property, Farms fit for fruits, vegetables. When it is in Yuti yoga of Sun, Jupiter, Moon or Shukra It gives Land and such other property. Mars in Yuti yoga with Rahu gives the landed property however it does not last long. Mars in this house in not good for family happiness. Persons are found unsatisfied and unhappy. Life ends in misery, unhappiness and in sorrow. Such person's mother found to be having illness for a long time. If such Mars is in aspect of/or with Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Harshal or Neptune then loss of father in early age is possible. They may have difference of opinions with their mother. Such Persons are always found mentally disturbed.

Thought for the Day

That is happiness; to be dissolved into something completely great.
Willa Cather.


Success is a welcomed gift for the uninhibited mind.
Adilin Sinclair.

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  1. When will I get a job?
    My details are:
    born on Oct 27, 1971 at Mumbai at 9:04 pm


  2. sir what should i do in my life .i m very confused.i sometime think that i should be politician sometime an enterprenure ,please suggest as per my kundali which field is better .presently i m in govt job in engg branch. my detalis are as:
    DOB 14 OCT 1980
    TOB 5:30 AM

  3. Krish
    You may be successful in politics but your impatient nature may bring you many difficulties. Your horoscope shows progress in acquiring good spiritual powers. You have got a good and quick understanding of peoples problems. So social life for peoples cause may bring you satisfaction rather than entering into politics. At present you continue with your service. Government jobs are good for you.
    Following Kavachams if recited daily with devotion, Faith and Concentration will do good to you and bring success, peace and stable your mind.
    1)Shani Kavacham
    2)Mangal Kavcham
    3)Chandra Kavacham

  4. Namaskar
    Dob 5/7/1984; 7.45pm; Bhatinda, Punjab.
    At present you are passing through Rahu Mahadasha till 5-10-1914. The period is consider challenging and testing for you. Drive away all negativity from your mind. Nobody has ever benefited by negative thoughts. Try to say (three times in a day for twenty-one times every time) "Day by day I am getting better and better and better." Think and visualized what you want and never say you are a failure. Please remember " You are as You think." Think of Success and you will be successful. Please don't make any haste and have a confidence in your abilities, knowledge and your strong plus points. Certainly good days are ahead, make your self prepared for it by gathering more and more knowledge. I request you to please recite/listen following kavachams every day with faith, devotion and concentration.
    1) Shani Kavacham
    2) Mangal Kavcham
    3) Budha Kavacham
    4) Rahu Kavacham
    Wishing you all the best.

  5. Hi Prakashji,

    Hope you are doing well.

    A very beautiful blog. I Like the English and Marathi translation. It help us know what exactly we are reciting. It deepens the faith and understanding of our deity. You are doing a great job. Can you please check my chart and guide me.

    3rd Feb 1983
    Dhule Maharashtra.

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Shri Anag Gai
    I have checked your chart as per my little knowledge. Apparently I don't find any thing very seriously affected your life. Saturn placed in langa along with moon in tula rasi is showing suspicious nature but other than that Saturn is best placed. Only little anxious part is Mars and Venus in 5th house.
    I think if you read/ listen/chant following kavachams daily once it will be best for you. However it must be done with faith, devotion and concentration.
    1) Mangal Kavcham
    2) Chandra Kavacham
    3) Bruhaspati Kavacha
    4) Rahu Kavacham
    5)Shukra Kavacham
    You are passing through Guru Mahadasha till 6-12-2014. after that Shani Mahadasha is starting upto 2033. Most of that period, I think should be best to you. Best wishes.

  7. My name is Pavendri Naidoo, DOB : 20 August 1972, Time 14:20 , Female .Newcastle South Africa. I am currently struggling to find a job

  8. My name is Pavendri Naidoo, DOB : 20 August 1972, Time 14:20 , Female .Newcastle South Africa. I am currently struggling to find a job

  9. My name is Pavendri Naidoo, DOB : 20 August 1972, Time 14:20 , Female .Newcastle South Africa. I am currently struggling to find a job

  10. My name is Pavendri Naidoo, DOB : 20 August 1972, Time 14:20 , Female .Newcastle South Africa. I am currently struggling to find a job

  11. Sir my dob is 22feb 2019 time12.15 place sindri bihar. I have given state govt exam when will I get the job

  12. Sir my dob is 22feb 2019 time12.15 place sindri bihar. I have given state govt exam when will I get the job

  13. Sir my dob is 22feb 2019 time12.15 place sindri bihar. I have given state govt exam when will I get the job

  14. Sir My DOB 17-06-75 mumbai 7:55am
    Since aug 2019 I am jobless I am not getting right direction what to do since last year everything is going against me my relation with wife is also getting bad pls give me direction for my future when my situation will get changed pls i m in very much confused about future and job

  15. Please ssnd your detail on my email. You will get in my profile in right margin.

  16. Mars in Yuti yoga with Rahu gives the landed property however it does not last long. meaning to the above? as in the land wont last long on the hands or the transition period for land ownership will be quick?

  17. Prakashji namaskar. I am having shani mahadasha with mangal antardasha. Vrushabh rashi, rohini prayham charan, tula lagna. Job problems for long time. Any help to remedy this please. Regards

  18. The information given by you for sicking Jog is incomplte. Please provide the DOB, Birth place, and Birth time ( a.m./p.m.)
    you may find my e-mail ID in my profile.

  19. Shastri jii,
    My Name- Abhishek Sharma
    D.O.B- 24-01-2002
    Location-Jammu, J&K
    Sir I'm a student, i used to be a very bright student but now I'm not able to perform that well, my confidence is very low and I feel afraid now.। Sir I want to be successful, I want to do good,
    Please guide me which career path is good for me and any stotram that can help me overcome my failures,, please guide me Shastri Sir 🙏🙏🙏
