Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jivha Prarthana

Jivha Prarthana 
This is a very beautiful prathana or stotra suppose to be created by Shri Mad Adi Shankaracharya. It is in Sanskrit. Very intelligently we have been asked to recite the pious Mantra “Om Namaha Shivaya”. Jivha means Tongue. We use our tongue to talk. Many times talk about other people in such a way that they get hurt. We create enemies or friends. Many times unnecessarily we talk about other people’s business, their behaviors, habits; which is none of our business. For all the above we use tongue. Hence Adi Shankaracharya request Jivha(tongue) not to talk the above useless words which hurt other people, instead recite the pious Mantra “Om Namaha Shivaya” which removes all our sins. I think we may recite any pious Mantra of the God we believe in.
1 O! Jivha (tongue) you are really my dearest friend. I bow to you. Please be kind with me and listen (do as per) my prarthana (prayer). Please never utter any bad words about other people. Never tell anything bad of anybody to others. Keep away from malicious reporting or back-biting. Always recite the pious mantra “Om Namaha Shivaya”.
2 You are having the virtues such as Sweetness, truth, luster, graciousness and a divine gift. These are the virtues of Vanidevata (Goddess Saraswati) and you are bestowed with them. I bow to you. Again I request you not to utter abusing, cursing words to anybody. Please don’t talk bad about other people’s business. Always recite the pious mantra “Om Namaha Shivaya”.
3 Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Astringent and Pungent are the tastes you know very well. However please leave all your desire about the above tastes and food; kindly recite the pious mantra “Om Namaha Shivaya” always. This is my sincere and honest request to you.
4 O! Jivha (tongue) I bow to you. Please leave your desire to talk bitter, cursing and abusing words about other people. This is a very honest and sincere prayer. “Namaha Shiva” Mantra Starting with “Om” is a very pious Mantra which removes all the sins.
Here completes this Jivha Prarthana created by Shri Mad Adi Shankaracharya.
Thought for the Day
Keep your face to the sunshine and you will not see the shadows.
---Helen Keller
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end.
Jivha Prarthana

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