Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Shiv Sankalpa Stotra

Shiv Sankalpa Stotra
This stotra is in Sanskrit. It is created by Bhagwan Ved. Here Shiv means not God Shiva. Shiv means the decision (resolution) of doing good things. What are these good things? That is exploring the good qualities of mind and using for the self spiritual progress and self realization. This stotra includes 8 Mantras from Yajur Ved. First Mantra is the prayer made to the God asking him to give the intelligence to us. It is the praise of the God in the 8th Mantra and again asking him to lead our mind on a correct and good path and remove everything bad from the mind. The rest Mantras describes the good qualities of the pure mind. Many times we divert from these good qualities of mind and then impurity enters into the mind. This impurity of mind is to be removed to make a progress in spiritual life. This is possible if we recite this stotra daily with concentration, devotion and faith.
1 O God Agne! O God (in pious light Roopa) Learned people, yogis and scholars always worship Budhi (Medha). Please make me intellectual by bestowing this Medha, so that I can know you better.
2 O God Agne! I know that my mind always travel at a long distance here and there. It is always filled with good virtues because of your kindness. While sleeping it goes here and there in the dream and do some work. It is the pious light of all the things which are having light. Please make my mind as described above filled with good decisions (resolutions).
3 O God Agne! Learned courageous people perform yajnas and wars also by the help of the mind. This mind is unknown and beyond thinking and present in the body of everybody. Please make my mind as described above filled with good decisions (resolutions).
4 O God Agne! This mind is filled with true knowledge, intelligence, Shruti and the pious light present in everybody (every living creature). Nothing can be done without using mind. Please make my mind as described above filled with good decisions (resolutions).
5 O God Agne! Yogis know past, present and future because of the mind. It connects everybody (his Soul which can’t be destroyed) with the God. This mind gives us true knowledge and removes the false knowledge. It is always connected with the five Organs, the Soul and the Budhi (intellect). Please make my mind as described above filled with good decisions (resolutions).
6 O God Agne! Because of you I know the four Vedas (Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda) in my mind. I know that everybody is connected with the (parmatam) God by my mind. Help me and lead my mind to the true knowledge and keep it away from false knowledge. Please make my mind as described above filled with good decisions (resolutions).
7 O God Agne! My mind is taking me to the good places; just like a horse which is well directed by the coach and gives me the pleasure. It rests in the heart. It is always on the move with a tremendous speed. Help me and lead my mind to remove itself from the bad habits of my five organs. Please make my mind as described above filled with good decisions (resolutions).
8 O God Agne! O God (in pious light Roopa) we praise you. Please lead us on a good and correct way to live a pious life. Please destroy anything bad in us. Please give us true knowledge.
Thus here completes Shiv Sankalpa Stotra created by Bhagwan Ved.

Thought for the Day
Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays.
-------Soren Kierkegaard.
It is better to believe than to disbelieve; in so doing, you bring everything to the realm of possibility.
--------Albert Einstein.
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Shiv Sankalpa Stotra

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