Friday, February 25, 2011

Saraswati Kavacham

Saraswati Kavacham
This is a Goddess Saraswati Kavacham .It is in Sanskrit. It can be called as a prayer made to the goddess for protecting our body mainly the organs which give us knowledge. Goddess Saraswati being Goddess of knowledge, arts, success and victory, devotees praise her and ask for protection and blessings. Name of this kavacham is Vishwajay (world victory).
1 Brahma is telling to Viprendra: Rushi of this kavacham is Prajapati. Chanda is Bruhati. Goddess mother Sharda is goddess of this kavacham. All type of knowledge, poetry, philosophy, writing, literature publication and acquiring proficiency in that and for making available such knowledge to the people; this kavacham is used.
2 I am offering oblation (sacrifice) to Goddess Saraswati who is in the form of Shrim, Hrim and asking her to protect my head from all the sides. I am asking Om Shrim Goddess Vakdevata (Saraswati) by offering oblation; to protect my forehead. I am always asking Goddess Om Hrim Bhagavati Saraswati by offering oblation; to protect my ears. I am asking Om Shrim, Hrim Goddess Bharati (Saraswati) by offering oblation; to protect my both eyes.
3 I am asking Goddess Vakvagini (Saraswati) who is in the form of Aem, Hrim by offering oblation; to protect my nose from all sides. I am offering oblation (sacrifice) to Goddess Vidya (Saraswati) who is in the form of Om Hrim and asking her to protect my lips. I am offering oblation (sacrifice) to Goddess Om Shrim, Hrim Bhagwati Brahmi (Saraswati) and asking her to protect my teeth. Aem is the one letter Mantra of Goddess Saraswati. I am requesting that mantra to always protect my throat.
4 I am asking Goddess Vakvagini (Saraswati) who is in the form of Om, Shrim, and Hrim by offering oblation; to protect my shoulders and throat from all sides. I am asking Goddess Vidya (Saraswati) who is in the form of Om, Shrim by offering oblation; to protect my chest. I am asking Goddess Saraswati who is in the form of Vidya by offering oblation; to protect my naval. I am asking Goddess Saraswati who is in the form of Vidya by offering oblation; to always protect my back from all sides.
5 I am asking Goddess Vani (Saraswati) who is in the form of Om Shrim, Hrim and Klim by offering oblation; to protect my hands. I am asking Goddess Bhagwati Sarvatmika (Saraswati) who is in the form of Om and Klim by offering oblation; to protect my feet. I am asking Goddess Vani (Saraswati) by offering oblation; to protect my body and everything. I am asking Goddess Om Swaroopa (Saraswati) who resides in everybody’s throat to protect me from east. I am asking Goddess Om Hrim Swaroopa (Saraswati) who is always on the tip of the tongue to protect me from south-east.
6 The Mantra, “Om Aem, Hrim, Shrim Saraswatyai Budhajananyai swaahaa “is called as Mantraraj (king among the Mantras). I request this mantra to protect me from south. The Mantra, “Aem, Hrim, Shrim is a three letter Mantra. I request this mantra to protect me from south-west. I am asking Goddess Om Swaroopa (Saraswati) who resides on tip of tongue of poets, to protect me from west.
7 I am asking Goddess Om Swaroopa Bhagwati Sarvambika (Saraswati) by offering oblation, to protect me from north-east. I am asking Goddess Om Aem Shrimayi Bhagwati (Saraswati) who is always there in the poetry and literature, by offering oblation, to protect me from north. I am asking Goddess Aem Swaroopa (Saraswati) who is always there in all sciences, by offering oblation, to protect me from north-west. I am asking Goddess Om Hrim Swaroopa (Saraswati) who is worshiped by everybody, by offering oblation, to protect me from above.
8 I am asking Goddess Aem, Hrim Swaroopa (Saraswati) who is always there in literature (books), by offering oblation, to protect me from down (the nadir). I am asking Goddess Om Swaroopa (Saraswati) who is root of literature(books), by offering oblation, to protect me from all (ten including Above and Down) directions (sides). O! Vipra, I have told you this Vishwajay kavacham which is a collection of many Brahma Mantras.
9 Long back this was told by my father Dharmadev on the mountain Gandhamadan. You are my disciple and hence I told the kavacham to you. Don’t tell the kavacham to everybody (who is not the right person to hear it). Wise devotees are advised to worship his Guru by offering him Sandal, Gandha (Sandal pest) and ornaments and then bowing to the Guru, devotee can start reciting this kavacham.
10 By reciting this kavacham for five million times by the devotee; he can experience the power of kavacham and becomes like Bruhaspati (very wise ad knowledgeable person). By blessings of this Kavacham the devotee becomes a good orator, poet and victorious. Such devotee can win all the people.
Thus here completes this Saraswati Kavacham called as Vishwajaya and which is from Brahmavaivarta Poorana.
Saraswati Kavacham

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