Friday, October 28, 2011

Kamala Dhyan

Kamala Dhyan
Kamala Dhyan is in Sanskrit. Kamala means Lakshmi. Today (26th October 2011) is Dhana TrayoDashi i.e. Aashwin Vadya Trayodashi, we perform pooja of money, Gold ornaments and other valuable things. Hence I am a uploading Kamala Dhyan. Her kanti (skin) is like gold, Four Mountains like Himalaya are like big elephants that are sprinkling Amrut (Holy liquid after drinking Amrut there is no death) from vessel (kumbha) over you from their trunks. She has held Var (blessings) and Abhay (protection for devotees) in her hands and she has held two lotuses in other two hands. There is a crown on her head and she has put on a beautiful silk saree. She is sitting on a lotus like sit. I bow to Goddess Kamala.

कमला ध्यान 
कान्ता कांचनसन्निभां हिमगिरिप्रख्यैश्चतुर्भिर्गजैः 
हस्तोत्क्षिप्तहिरण्मयामृतघटैरासिच्यमानां श्रियम् I
बिभ्राणां वरमब्जयुग्ममभयं हस्तैः किरीटोज्वलाम्
क्षौमाबद्धनितम्बबिंबललिताम् वंदेSरविंदस्थिताम् II 

मराठी अर्थ: 
सुवर्णाप्रमाणे जिची कांती आहे, हिमालयादि चार दिग्गज आपल्या सोंडेने सुवर्णमय अमृताने भरलेल्या घटांनी जिला सिंचन करतात; एका हातांत वर व एका हातांत अभय आणि दुसऱया दोन हातांत कमले जिने धारण केलेली आहेत, मस्तकी किरीट व रेशमी वस्त्र परिधान करून कमलासनावर स्थित असलेली जी कमला तिला माझा नमस्कार असो. 

Kamala Dhyan 

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