Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Aparadha Kshamapan Suti Stotra

Aparadha Kshamapan Suti Stotram

This Stotra is in Sanskrit. It is a very beautiful creation of shri Vasudevananda Saraswati.
He was a great devotee of Shri Datta Guru. On the contrary he himself was God Dattatreya’s incarnation. We believe that by chanting the name of God, we become Godlike. In this Stotra a devotee is telling God Dattatraya that never in his life time he (devotee) has recited God Dattaguru’s name. He is repenting it for now at the end of his life time. He asks God Dattatreya to forgive him. Further he asks for God Dattatraya’s blessings. He describes why and when he has not chanted name of God Dattatreya as follows.

1) Devotee is saying, O! God Dattatreya! Please forgive me for the sins committed by me; by using my body, by using harsh words or by using mind. God your heart is like ocean of kindness which has tremendous depth, length and breadth. Hence I know that you will forgive me.
2) Devotee is saying, O! God Dattatreya! In my earlier births (which may be higher or lower level births compared to birth as a man) I have never chanted your name. God Dattatreeya you know everything, you are everywhere, hence Please forgive me for the sins committed by me; by using my body, by using harsh words or by using mind. I know that you will forgive me.
3) I while in the comb of my mother, I could not recite the name nor after my birth I had done so as I caught in the maya of this world. Hence please forgive me for the sins committed by me; by using my body, by using harsh words or by using mind. I know that you will forgive me.
4) After my birth, I forget to recite your name because of my poor knowledge and as I was caught in the maya of the world. Many saints and enlighten sadhues told me and reminded me to recite your name but I failed to do so. Hence please forgive me for the sins committed by me; by using my body, by using harsh words or by using mind. I know that you will forgive me.
5) O! God Dattaguru in my childhood also I have not recited your name. I was in bad company and surrounded by people committing sins. This may be because of my sins committed in my earlier births. But I know that you are an ocean of kindness which is beyond all measurements and bounds. Hence please forgive me for the sins committed by me; by using my body, by using harsh words or by using mind. I know that you will forgive me. Hence please forgive me for the sins committed by me; by using my body, by using harsh words or by using mind. I know that you will forgive me.
6) 6) O! Kind hearted Dattaguru, when I was young because of making money for many enjoyments and other attractions; I had never recited your name. Now I am repenting for it. Hence please forgive me for the sins committed by me; by using my body, by using harsh words or by using mind. I know that you will forgive me.
7) 7) O! Kind hearted Dattaguru, when I was old; I have not recited your pious name because of bad health. Now I have become miserable and dependent. I am repenting. Hence please forgive me for the sins committed by me; by using my body, by using harsh words or by using mind. I know that you will forgive me.
8) O! Kind hearted Dattaguru; I have committed many sins in this birth and also in my earlier births. There is nobody other than you to make me free from all my sins. Hence please forgive me for the sins committed by me; by using my body, by using harsh words or by using mind. I know that you will forgive me.
9) O! Kind hearted Dattaguru; I have not recited your pious name, nor worshiped you, never sang your stotra and also not visited your temple. Now I am repenting for it. Hence please forgive me for the sins committed by me; by using my body, by using harsh words or by using mind. I know that you will forgive me.
10) O! Kind hearted Dattaguru; this Aparadha Kshamapan Suti Stotram of nine stanzas which covers many Shastras in short, is created by your follower, Vasudevanand Saraswati. We request you to offer shower of your blessing to me and other devotees by forgiving them for their sins and rest us in peace of your pious swaroopa. We are praying you and we know that you are an ocean of kindness and you will forgive us.

Thus here completes Aparadha Kshamapan Suti Stotram created by Vasudevanand Saraswati.

Mars in the Ninth house is non follower of religious things; however these people are found very aggressive when there is any debate on religious matters. They are expert in arguments. Mars in ninth house along with Harshal in Yuti yoga makes person mad, violent in religious matters. Mars if in bad aspects with Jupiter or Guru makes person hypocritical. These people dislike domination hence can’t maintain good relations with many people including their boss. Mars in this house having bad aspects of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Neptune, and Harshal indicates troubles in journey. Accidents, troubles or cancellation of journey are observed in such cases. Mars in Yuti yoga with Rahu shows failure in fulfillment of ambitions.
Thought for the Day

As you do to others, they will do to you.


No one knows what he can do until he tries.

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