Saturday, November 7, 2009


Bilvashtakam is in Sanskrit. It starts with bowing to God Ganesha. It is a very pious Shiva Stotra. God Shiva likes Bilva (tree) leaf. In this stotra, how Bilva leaf is pious and why it is offered to God Shiva when we worship (pooja) him, is described. While performing Pooja of God Shiva, it is said to be incomplete if we don’t offer Bilva Patra (Leaf).
1) I offer Bilva Patra (A Bilva Patra is so called leaf having three small leaves.) to God Shiva. This Bilva Patra is a form of the three human qualities. Good Virtue (Satva), Passion (Raja quality) and Irascible (Tama quality). This Bilva Patra is like three eyes, Sun, Moon and Fire. It is like three weapons. It is destroyer of sins committed in earlier three births. I perform pooja of God Shiva with such Bilva Patra.
2) I offer Bilva Patra to God Shiva. This Bilva Patra is very pious, soft and there are no holes on it. As such it is complete in it self. It is like three branches. I perform pooja of God Shiva with this Bilva Patra.
3) I offer Bilva Patra to God Shiva. After performing pooja of Nandikeshwar (God Shiva) by offering complete Bilva Patra (as described in 2 above) to him, we become free from our sins.
4) i) Soma Yadnya (Sacrifices and such like things) is performed to receive blessings from God, to accomplish good things in our life and to destroy our sins. ii) People who perform religious duties even for others offer Shaligram (God in the form of a very pious Stone) to God Shiva. These (i) and (ii) are very pious and good things however to offer Bilva Patra to God Shiva is much more pious thing of all. Hence I offer Bilva Patra to God Shiva.
5) i) Long time back Kings and rich people in India were donating elephants. ii) Ashwamedha Yadnya (Sacrifices and such like things) were performed. iii) At time of marriage, father of bride is donating his daughter to bridegroom, and this is considered as a very pious thing performed by him. Above i), ii) and iii) are no doubt very pious things performed however offering Bilva Patra to God Shiva is much more pious thing than all. Hence I offer Bilva Patra to God Shiva.
6) Bilva Tree is created By Godess Laxmi who is wife of God Vishnu. God Shiva Likes Bilva Tree (Bilva Patra) very much. I perform pooja of God Shiva with Bilva Patra.
7) When we see Bilva Tree and touch it, it simply destroys our sins. Even our very bad and biggest sins are removed and we become free from our sins. Hence I perform pooja of God Shiva with Bilva Patra.
8) Lower part of Bilva Patra is God Brahma, Middle part of Bilva Patra is God Vishnu and Upper part is God Shiva himself hence I perform pooja of God Shiva with Bilva Patra.
9) Whosoever recites this Bilvashtakam by sitting in front of God Shiva temple will become free from all his sins and rest in Shiva Loka along with God Shiva after his death.
Thus here completes Bilvashtakam.
Mars in tenth house is considered as good. Such people are found having some position or power to control others. They are found good in administration. They can control others and get work done, since they have power in their hand. Such Mars is found good for people in service or for those who are in business or profession. Magistrate, Police department, Law enforcement departments, Military and other Government departments which are enforcing some action are found suitable for the people who are having Mars in their tenth house. However Mars in this house if is in bad aspects of Saturn, Harshal or Rahu then such people face with bad public opinion about them. However such people don’t care for it. Mars if is in Yuti yoga with Jupiter in this house then such people become unable to exploit their virtues. Mars in yuti yoga with Saturn creates troubles in service life. They may fear demotion in service life. Such people become victim of a scandal and may require resigning from service. Business gets ruined. Mars in yuti yoga with Harshal in this house indicates frequent and sudden changes in service or in business. They have to face many troubles. They even loose their name and may have to face court cases. Mars along with Rahu in this house in yuti yoga indicates some higher position in service however they have to fight with the consequences of their earlier wrongful acts. Mars other than Jupiter, Harshal, Saturn and Rahu in this house along with other planets in yuti yoga bears good fruits. Such people are found successful in their mission on their own efforts and become famous.

Thought for the Day
The only way to have a friend is to be one.

He who never fails will never grow rich.


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