Monday, November 16, 2009

Shri Surya Kavacham श्रीसूर्यकवचस्तोत्रम्

Shri Surya Kavacham

Shri Surya Kavacham is in Sanskrit. It is a beautiful creation of Yadnyavalkya Rushi. It is a kavacham of God Sun or God Surya. Kavacham means it gives us a protection just like a shield to the worrier. This Kavacham is for sound and good health and prosperity. We have to recite this Kavacham with faith, concentration and devotion in mind to receive blessings from God Sun. Astrologically if Sun is badly placed or affected by Saturn; Rahu in the horoscope then this Kavacham is required to be recited daily.
1 Yadnyavalkya Rushi is telling this Kavacham to the main muni. O! Muni, Please listen this pious Surya Kavacham. This Kavacham brings us sound health, prosperity and happiness.
2 I am writing this Kavacham by remembering God Surya, who has lustrous throne on his head and who has worn crocodile shape earrings.
3 My head may be protected by Bhaskar. My forehead may be protected by Amitduthi. My eyes may be protected by Dinmani. My ears may be protected by Vasareshwara.
4 My nose may be protected by Dharmadhruni. My mouth may be protected by Vedvahana. My tongue may be protected by Manada. My throat may be protected by Survandita.
5 My shoulders may be protected by Prabhakara. My breast may be protected by Janapriya. My feet may be protected by Dwadashatma. My whole body may be protected by Sakaleshwara.
6 Yadnyavalkya Rushi is telling that whosoever writes this Kavacham on Bhurja (kind of tree) Patra (leaf) and gives is to God Surya controls all the sidhies.
7 Whosoever after taking a bath recites this kavacham with peace in mind becomes free from diseases and long lived with happiness and prosperity.
Thus here ends this Surya Kavacham created by Yadnyavalkya Rushi.
English Version
atha shriSurya kavacha stotram II
Shri Ganeshaaya Namaha I
yaadnyavalkya Uvaacha I
shrunushva munishaardula suryasya kavacham shubham I
shariraarogyadam divyam sarva soubhaagyadaayakam II 1 II 
daidipyamaanam mukutam sfuranmakarkundalam I
dhyaatvaa sahastrakiranam stotrametadutdiryet II 2 II
shiro me bhaaskaraha paatu lalaate me amitdyutihi I
netre dinamanihi paatu shravane vaasareshwaraha II  3 II
ghraanam dharma dhrunihi paatu vadanam vedavaahanaha I
jihvaam me maanadaha paatu kantham me survanditaha II 4 II
skamdhou prabhaakaram paatu vakshaha paatu janapriyaha I
paatu paadou dwaadashaatmaa sarvaangam sakaleshwaraha II 5 II
suryarakshatmakam stotram likhitvaa bhoorjapatrake I
dadhaati yaha kare tasya vashagaahaa sarvasiddhayaha II 6 II
susnaato yo japetsamyak yo adhite svastha maanasaha I
sa rogmukto dirghaayuhu sukham pushtim cha vindati  II  7  II
II iti shri mad yaadnyavalkya muni virachitam surya kavach stotram sampoornam II

II अथ श्रीसूर्यकवचस्तोत्रम् II 
श्री गणेशाय नमः I 
याज्ञवल्क्य उवाच I 
श्रुणुष्व मुनिशार्दूल सूर्यस्य कवचं शुभम् I 
शरीरारोग्यदं दिव्यं सर्व सौभाग्यदायकम् II १ II 
दैदिप्यमानं मुकुटं स्फ़ुरन्मकरकुण्डलम् I 
ध्यात्वा सहस्रकिरणं स्तोत्रमेतदुदीरयेत् II २ II 
शिरो मे भास्करः पातु ललाटे मेSमितद्दुतिः I 
नेत्रे दिनमणिः पातु श्रवणे वासरेश्वरः II ३ II 
घ्राणं धर्म धृणिः पातु वदनं वेदवाहनः I 
जिह्वां मे मानदः पातु कंठं मे सुरवंदितः II ४ II 
स्कंधौ प्रभाकरं पातु वक्षः पातु जनप्रियः I 
पातु पादौ द्वादशात्मा सर्वागं सकलेश्वरः II ५ II 
सूर्यरक्षात्मकं स्तोत्रं लिखित्वा भूर्जपत्रके I 
दधाति यः करे तस्य वशगाः सर्वसिद्धयः II ६ II 
सुस्नातो यो जपेत्सम्यक् योSधीते स्वस्थ मानसः I 
स रोगमुक्तो दीर्घायुः सुखं पुष्टिं च विंदति II ७ II 
II इति श्री माद्याज्ञवल्क्यमुनिविरचितं सूर्यकवचस्तोत्रं संपूर्णं II

श्रीसूर्यकवचस्तोत्रंचा मराठी अर्थ: 

श्रीगणेशाला नमस्कार करून याज्ञवल्क्य म्हणाले: 
१) हे मुनिश्रेष्ठ शरीराला आरोग्यदायक, अत्यंत दिव्य, आणि सर्व प्रकारचे सौभाग्यदायक असे हे सूर्याचे शुभकवच ऐकावे. 
 २) दैदिप्यमान मुगुट घातलेल्या आणि कानांत मकरकुंडल असलेल्या सूर्याचे स्मरण करून हे स्तोत्र मी लिहीत आहे. 
३) भास्कर माझ्या डोक्याचे, तर अमितद्युति माझ्या कपाळाचे, दिनमणी माझ्या डोळ्यांचे आणि वासरेश्वर माझ्या कानांचे रक्षण करो. 
४) धर्मधृणि म्हणजे घामाचे निर्मुलन करणारा माझ्या नाकाचे, वेदवाहन माझ्या तोंडाचे, मानद माझ्या जिभेचे तर देवही ज्याची पूजा करतात असा तो सूर्य माझ्या कंठाचे रक्षण करो. 
५) प्रभाकर माझ्या खांद्यांचे, जनप्रिय माझ्या छातीचे, द्वादशात्मा माझ्या पायांचे आणि सकलेश्वर माझ्या सर्वागाचे रक्षण करो. 
६) हे सूर्यरक्षात्मक स्तोत्र भूर्ज पत्रावर लिहून त्याला जो अर्पण करेल तो सर्वसिद्धि प्राप्त करतो. 
७) स्नान करून अत्यंत शांतपणे ह्या स्तोत्राचा जप करणारा रोगमुक्त होतो व दीर्घायुषी होतो. त्याला सुख व समृद्धि लाभते. 
अशारीतीने श्री याज्ञवल्क्य ऋषिनिं लिहिलेले हे सूर्यकवच पूर्ण झाले. 
जन्मपत्रिकेंत रवी (सूर्य) जर शनी, राहू, केतू, हर्शल यांच्या बरोबर असेल अगर यांनी दृष्ट असेल तर, शनीच्या राशींत, अशुभ स्थानी असेल तर या कवचाचा रोज जप करावा. रविमुळे (अशुभ) झाल्यामुळे आरोग्य बिघडणे, घरांतील वडिलधार्याना त्रास होणे, रोग प्रतिकारक शक्ती कमी असणे, हृदय, पाठ, डोळे, हाडे कमजोर असणे, वडिलार्जित संपतीमध्ये अडचणी वगैरे कमी होतात.

Mars in Eleventh house creates bad results. Offspring may suffer from accidents, bad health. Friends are mostly found not helpful, on the contrary friends are found selfish and not reliable in financial dealings. Mars along with Budha (Mercury) in yuti yoga indicates ill habits through association with friends. Mars along with Jupiter in yuti yoga indicates troubles in gaining money. These people are found more expensive. Mars along with Saturn shows loss in financial dealings. Such people may face legal actions. Mars along with Moon or Sun in Trikona or Labha yoga is good and such people can be found happy since their desires are found fulfilled.

Thought for the Day
Laughter is the closest possible distance between two people.
--Victor Borge.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
-Albert Einstein.
Shri Surya Kavacham

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello! I read the stotra & tried to find more about the mythological characters like Amitdyuti, Dharmaghruni; but to no avail. It would be interesting if you could tell us more about these characters (why we pray that they should take care of those specific organs). Else, could you kindly refer me to the source where I could find this information. Many Thanks, Era

  3. Hi
    Is there no need of viniyog vidhi in Surya kavach Strota as other all planets kavach strota have viniyog vidhi.
    Please guide me.
    Paramveer Grewal

    1. I think there is no viniyog vidhi for surya kavach.. i have searched a lot but still unable to find it so do recite it without viniyog..🙏🏻

  4. सभी साधकों के लिए यह सूर्य कवच बहुत फलदायी एवं उत्तम है.इस कवच को लोगों के लिए प्रस्तुत करने के लिए आपको सहृदय धन्यवाद।

  5. These are different names of Lord sun itself

  6. Thank you for the Surya Kavacham lyrics in english, hindi, and gujarati. check Surya kavacham in telugu, and kannada.

  7. It's my Pleasure to Visit This Site Again and Again For Bhakti Sangeet
