Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hachi Subodha Guruncha

Hachi Subodha Guruncha 
The following advice (stotra) is from Guru (Master) to the disciples. Guru is shri Gondavalekar Maharaj. He was a great devotee of God Shri Ram and was incarnation of God Hanuman. Shri Gondavalekar Maharaj is telling us to chant the name of God Shri Ram. By doing so we can purify our mind and become successful in all our endeavors and receive peace, happiness and get everything we desire in our life. Since he was devotee of God Ram, he is telling us to recite the name of God Ram; however any name of God can be recited for peace, happiness and getting anything desired. This advice or Stotra is in Marathi Language.
1 Recite the name (Shri Ram), sing the name shri Ram and tell to the people name Shri Ram. Name shri Ram is the only truth. This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
2 While doing any work, enjoying or at the time of entertainment recite the name of God Ram. But avoid from excessive involvement in this domestic life of enjoyment and entertainment. This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
3 Always keep your self in happy state of mind; keep yourself away from Laziness, Fear and envy. Never forget to recite the name of God Shri Ram. This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
4 Always talk softly and use kind words and always see that you are humble so that people will like you and recite the name of Raghupati (Shri Ram) with devotion. This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
5 Always see that your mind and body is pure. Do not entertain any type of bad feeling, bad deeds. Please don’t hurt anybody’s mind. This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
6 Always say that “God Ram is my sakha (Real friend) and I am servant of God Ram”. Always be honest with God Ram. This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
7 O! God Ram I will take the severe efforts, make me successful, or don’t; it is your power because I know that what ever I do is because of your power. This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
8 Always see that you are behaving properly with others; you are not hurting anybody or taking advantage of his rights. Treat your stay on this earth as a game. This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
9 Be always happy in whatever life situation you are, treat your life on earth (domastic day to day life) as devotion of God Ram. Always think that whatever pleasure, happiness you receive in your life is because of God Ram. This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
10 You become selfish and alert in reciting the name of God Ram and think that God Ram is doer of all the things which you do, to destroy the pride which is in your mind (i.e. to destroy the big” I “, “me”, “mine “factor). This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
11 Pride is our big enemy which causes all the troubles, difficulties, sorrow and every bad effect in our life. By reciting the name of God Ram we can destroy this big enemy (Pride) this is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
12 You may have power to rule, may have lot of money and respect and all of a sudden you loose everything but still you remain be calm and stable and satisfied by reciting the name of God Ram. This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
13 God likes love. Value of Love can not be done in terms of money. Your Guru is thirsty of love and he wants you to recite the name of God Ram and love God Ram. This is the advice of shri Guru (shri Gondavalekar Maharaj) to the devotees.
Janaki (Goddess Sita) givan (life) smran (remembering) Jai Jai Ram
Question and Answer:
1. Date of Birth: 11/11/2009. Health problem is there. Please don’t give up. Following stotras can be recited for the health of your son. Anybody father or mother can recite it. 1 Mangal Kavacham: 2 MahaGanapati Stotra:
2. Date of Birth: 5/10/1980. Marriage there is a possibility of love marriage after 8th December 2010.
Thought for the Day
Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. –Denis Waitley.
The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure. -------Sven Goran Eriksson.
Hachi Subodha Guruncha

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