Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shri Shiv PratSmaran Stotram

Shri Shiv PratSmaran Stotram
Shri Shiv PratSmaran Stotram is in Sanskrit. This Stotra is to be recited early in the morning. God Shiva Devotee is required to get up early in the morning, take a bath then sit in front of God Shiva idol or Photo and recite this God Shiva Morning Prayer daily with faith, concentration and devotion; to receive God Shiva’s blessings. Such devotee becomes free from all sins he had committed even in his earlier births also. All types of troubles, hardships in his life are removed by the blessings of God Shiva and his life becomes peaceful, happy and prosperous.
1 God Shiva is remover of all troubles, sorrow and unhappiness from our life. He is a leader of all other Gods. He has held holy Ganga River on his head. Bull is his vehicle. He is God of (Goddess) Ambica. He has held Khatvanga and Trishul in his hand as weapons (for destroying demons) and hand held in Abhaya Mudra (sign of protection for devotees). God Shiva’s blessings are like a medicine which removes all troubles, sorrow and unhappiness from our (Sansar Rog or disease) life. I always pray God Shiva early in the morning.
2 Goddess Parvati is his half body. He is creator, protector and destroyer of the universe. He is Adi dev (God from beginning or ancient times). He is Vishwanath. He has conquered the whole world. He is good looking. God Shiva’s blessings are like a medicine which removes all troubles, sorrow and unhappiness from our (Sansar Rog or disease) life. I always pray God Shiva early in the morning.
3 God Shiva is Adi dev who has no death (end). He can be known or understood by knowing Vedas. He is free from all type sin. He is great (God). He is free from Name and differentiation and emotions. God Shiva’s blessings are like a medicine which removes all troubles, sorrow and unhappiness from our (Sansar Rog or disease) life. I always pray God Shiva early in the morning.
4 Any God Shiva devotee, getting up early in the morning after taking bath and sitting in front of God Shiva idol recites the above three sholakas daily with faith, devotion, and concentration becomes free from all sorts of troubles, difficulties, sorrow and unhappiness from his life. All sins committed by him even in his earlier births is removed and his life becomes happy, peaceful and prosperous.
English Script
Shri Shiv PratSmaran Stotram
Praataha smaraami bhavabhitiiharam suresham
gangaadharam vruShabhavaahanambikesham
khatvaangashoolavaradaa bhayahastamiisham
sansaararogaharamouShadhamadwitiiyam II 1 II
praatarnamaami girisham girijaardhdeham
sargasthiti pralaya kaaraNamaadidevam
vishveshwaram vijitviShvmanoabhiraamam
sansaararogaharamouShadhamadwitiiyam II 2 II
praatarbhajaami shivamekamanantamaadhyam
vedaantavedyamanagham poorusham mahaantam
naamaadibhedarahitam cha vikaarashoonyam
sansaararogaharamouShadhamadwitiiyam II 3 II
praataha samutthaaya shivam vichintya
shlokatrayam yeanudinam pathanthi
te duhkahjaatam bahujanma sanchitam
hitvaa padam yaanti tadeva shambhoho II 4 II
II iti shri shiva prathasmran stotram sampoornam II

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