Sunday, January 2, 2011

IndraKrut Shri Ram Stotram

IndraKrut Shri Ram Stotram
This stotra is in Sanskrit. It is from Adhyatam Ramayanam. It is the praise of God Ram made by the King of Gods Indra. Being king of the Gods Indra become very proud. Praise made by other Gods also made him more proud. Drinking of Somarasa (divine drink) added some more pride in him and he became manner less in his behavior with others. To remove this impurity from his mind he was advised to praise God Ram who had taken birth as a human being on the earth. Thus God Of heaven was asked to praise Ram being a human being. This stotra is made by Indra.
Indra Said
1 I always pray God Ram who is surrounded by holy light of blue lotus, who’s name is just like fire for the forest of Sansar (bondage of life and death), Goddess Parvati always see his pious and peaceful and smiling face in her Dhyanam (meditation), God Shiva and other Gods are always choose to be in his shelter and he can liberate, make anybody free from all sort of sorrow, unhappiness and all troubles in the life.
2 He has removed all types of trouble, sorrow from the kingdom of Gods. He is in the form of a man. He is free from any form. He is worthwhile for his praise. He is remover of all sorts of troubles, sorrow from this world (earth). I always pray God Ram as described.
3 He is creator of happiness for his devotees. He is a shelter for them from all their fears. Even reciting his name, removes unhappiness from the life of his devotees. He is always in the Dhyanam (meditation) of Yogies and Rushies. He is friend of Sugriva. I always pray God Ram as described.
4 He always keeps a distance with the people having bad nature. He is always found near to the Yogies and Rushies. He is a cause of happiness for Janaki (Wife of God Ram). I always pray God Ram as described.
5 O! God Ram, because of your holy plays (Lila); you look like in the form of a person. All the people become happy when they hear your victories, your life stories and your virtues.
6. O! God Ram, I (Indra) had become very proud because of my praise by others and drinking of Somarasa (divine drink). Because of my pride I had never given due respect to anybody. But now because of your blessings all the pride of being a king of three worlds is removed from my mind.
7 He is wearing shining ornaments around his arms and garlands around his neck. He is destroyer of demons from this world (earth). He his having a (round) face like Moon. He is having very attractive eyes. It is very difficult rather beyond our imagination to know his Adi (birth i.e. from when he is there) and Anta (death i.e. when he will disappear). I always pray God Raghunandan as described.
8 He is having a color of his skin just like IndraNilMani and Rainy clouds. He has destroyed demon Viradha and other demons to bring peace in the life of people. He is having a crown on his forehead. He is just like a wealth for God Shiva. I always pray God Ram as described and who is born in the great RaghuKul.
9 He is along with Janaki, who is having a skin like shining gold and lightening; sitting on the throne which is shining like thousand Moons. I always pray God Ram as described above and who is free from sorrow and laziness.
Thus here completes IndraKrut Shri Ram Stotram which is from thirteen sarge (chapter) of YudhaKande of Adhyatma Ramayanam.
English Transcription
IndraKrut Shri Ram Stotram
Indra uvaacha
bhajeham sadaa raamamindiivaraabham
bhavaaraNyadaavaanalaabhaabhidhaanam I
bhavaaniihrudaa bhaavitaanandaroopam
bhavaabhaavahetum bhavaadiprapannam II 1 II
naraakaaradeham niraakaaramiidyam I
paresham paraanandaroopam vareNyam
harim raamamiisham bhaje bhaaranaasham II 2 II
prapannaakhlilaanandadoham prapannam
prapannaartinihisheShanaashaabhidhaanam I
kapiishaadimitram bhaje raamamitram II 3 II
sadaa bhogabhaajaam sudoore vibhaantam
sadaa yogabhaajaamadoore vibhaantam I
chidaanandakandam sadaa raaghavesham
videhaatmajaanandaroopam prapadde II 4 II
vibhaasiisha liilaanaraakaarvruttihi I
sadaanandaroopaa bhavantiiha loke II 5 II
aham maanapaanaabhamattapramatto
na vedaakhileshaabhimaanaabhimaanaha I
idaaniim bhavatpaadapadmaprasaadaat
trilokaadhipatyaabhimaano vinaShTaha II 6 II
dharaabhaarabhootaasuraaniikadaavam I
sharachchandravaktram lasatpadmanetram
duraavaarapaaram bhaje raghavesham II 7 II
viraadhaadirakshovadhaallokashaantim I
kiriTaadishobham puraaraatilaabham
bhaje raamachandram raghuNaamadhiisham II 8 II
samaasiinamake samaadhaaya siitaam I
sfuraddhemavarNaam taDitpujjabhaasaam
bhaje raamachandram nivruttaartitandram II 9 II
II iti shriimadadhyaatmaraamaayaNe yuddhakaaNde trayodashasarge indrakrutashriiraamastrotram sampoorNam II

IndraKrut Shri Ram Stotram

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