Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shri Vishnoho PratahSmaranam

Shri Vishnoho PratahSmaranam
This PratahSmaranam is in Sanskrit. PratahSmaranam means the stotra or hymn to be recited earlier in the morning. We have to get up early in the morning, take a bath, and make our body and mind as purified as we can do, then after filling our mind with the divine love of God, sitting in a calm and relaxed posture, we have to recite this PratahSmaranam which is a praise of God Vishnu.
1 In the early morning I remember God Vishnu. He is having an eagle as his vehicle. He has freed the king of elephants from his sorrow and troubles. He held a Sudarshan Chakara in his hand. His eyes are just like newly bloom lotus. I remember him to make me free from all my troubles and sorrow.
2 God Vishnu is a shelter and protector of Brahmins who recites Vedas everyday. He is protector from the sorrows and difficulties of our day to day life. I bow to him respectfully by my mind and body everyday early in the morning.
3 He has held Shankha and Chakra in his hand. He has saved King of elephants from the alligator. He is protector of his devotees. He makes us free from the sins committed by us in earlier births also. Hence I bow to God Vishnu by my mind and body everyday earlier in the morning.
Thus here completes Shri Vishnoho PratahSmaranam.

Shri Vishnoho PratahSmaranam
English Transcription
praataha smaraami bhavabhiiti mahaartishaantyai
naaraayaNam garudvaahanamabjanaabham I
graahaabhibhootavara vaaraNamuktihetum
chakraayudham taruNa vaarija patranetram II 1 II
praatarnamaami manasaa vachasaa cha moorndhaa
paadaaravindayugalam paramasya punsaha I
naaraayaNasya narakaarNvataaraNasya
paaraayaNa pravaNa vipra paraayaNasya II 2 II
praatarbhajaami bhajataamabhayankaram tam
praaksarva janma kruta paapabhayaapahatyai I
yo graahavaktra patitaagghri gajendraghora-
shokapraNaashanakaro dhruta shankha chakraha II 3 II
II iti Shri Vishnoho PratahSmaranam sampoorNam II

Shri Vishnoho PratahSmaranam

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