Shukra Stotram
Shukra Stotra is in Sanskrit. It is from Shri Skanda Purana. This Stotra recollects auspicious names of Shukra. Whosoever recites this Strotra receives blessings from Shukra. He is blessed with long life, money, happiness, putra (Son) and prosperity. It is advised to recite this strotra every day with concentration, devotion and faith if Shukra (Venus) is badly affected in the horoscope. Shukra if is in 6th, 8th or 12th house then it is called as badly placed. If Shukra is alongwith Mangal (Mars), Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Harshal then it may produce bad results. To avoid the bad effects of Shukra this Stotra is very effective. Hence try to recite it as advised above.
Bharadwaja is the rushi of Shri Shukra Stotra. Gayatri is the Chchanda. Shukra is the Davata (God) of this Stotra. To avoid all the bad effects from Shukra, I am reciting this stotra.
Shukra, Kavyaha, ShukraReta, Shuklambaradharaha, Sudhihi, Himabhaha, Kundadhavalaha, Shubramshu, ShuklabhuShaNaha are the auspicious names of Shukra.
2 nitidnyo (who knows good and bad), nitikrun (who always do right), nitimargagami (who always follow the right path), Grahadipaha (Leader of the planets), Ushana, ved, vedangaparagaha (who has got knowledge of Vedas and who is expert in it), Kavi (poet), Atmavit are the auspicious names of Shukra.
3 Bhargavaha, KaruNaSindhu (very kind), Dnyanagamya, Sutaprada all these are Shukra’s auspicious names.
4 Whosoever recites these names by remembering Shukra receives blessings from Shukra and lives a long life, becomes happy, receives ample of money, wealth, prosperity and real knowledge is bestowed upon him by Shukra.
Thus here completes Shukra Stotra which is from Skanda Purana.
II शुक्रस्तोत्रम् II
अथ शुक्रस्तोत्रम्
अस्य श्रीशुक्रस्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य भारद्वाज ऋषिः I
गायत्री छन्दः शुक्रोदेवता I
शुक्र पीडापरिहारार्थं जपे विनियोगः II
शुक्रः काव्यः शुक्ररेताः शुक्लांबरधरः सुधीः I
हिमाभः कुन्दधवलः शुभ्रांशुः शुक्लभूषणः II १ II
नीतिज्ञो नीतिकृन्नीतिमार्गगामी ग्रहाधिपः I
उशना वेद वेदाङ्गपारगः कविरात्मवित् II २ II
भार्गवः करुणा सिन्धुर्ज्ञानगम्यः सुतप्रदः I
शुक्रस्यैतानि नामानि शुक्रं स्मृत्वा तु यः पठेत् II ३ II
आयुर्धनं सुखं पुत्रं लक्ष्मीं वसतिमुत्तमाम् I
विद्यां चैव स्वयं तस्मै शुक्रस्तुष्टो ददाति च II ४ II
II इति श्रीस्कन्दपूराणे शुक्रस्तोत्रं संपूर्णं II
शुक्रस्तोत्राचा मराठी अर्थः
या शुक्रस्तोत्राचे भारद्वाज हे ऋषी आहेत. गायत्री हा छंद आहे. शुक्र ही देवता आहे. शुक्रापासून (शुक्र बिघडल्यामुळे) होणार्या पीडेचे निवारण होण्यासाठी या स्तोत्राचे पठण करावे.
शुक्र, कवी, शुक्ररेता, शुक्लांबरधर, सुधी, हिमाभ, कुन्दधवल, शुभ्रांशु, शुक्लभूषण, नीतिज्ञ, नीतिने वागणारा, ग्रहाधिप, उशना, वेद, वेदपारंग, कवी, भार्गव, करुणासिन्धु,
ज्ञानगम्य, सुत (पुत्र) देणारा,
ही सर्व शुक्राची नांवे स्मरण करून त्यांचे नेहमी पठण करणारास दीर्घ आयुष्य, सुख, पुत्र, उत्तम प्रकारचे धन आणि विद्या यांची प्राप्ती शुक्र प्रसन्न झाल्यामुळे होते.
अशाप्रकारे श्रीस्कंदपुराणांतील शुक्र स्तोत्र संपूर्ण झाले.
आपल्या जन्मपत्रिकेंत शुक्र अशुभ असेल तर या स्तोत्राचे नियमित पठण करावे. भक्तिभावाने पठण केले तर आयुष्य, धन यांची वृद्धी होते. सुख, पुत्र, विद्या आदी सर्वप्रकारची संपदा शुक्र प्रसन्न झाल्यामुळे लाभते.
Budha (Mercury) in the Eleventh House
In the eleventh house Budha indicates good results. These people are found winsome and have a good and kind nature. These people have friends in all walks of life. There are young-Aged friends, Old-Aged friends, friends in different casts and creeds. However a friend ‘in need” are found less. There absence is noticeable and people feel about it. They are good in Literature, Poetry and Arts and can earn money in that field. Budha in good yoga with Ravi, Shukra or Neptune indicates that they are good in arts. Budha along with Harshal in Shubha yoga indicates that they have liking of Literature, Astrology and Spirituality. Budha and Saturn shubha yoga indicates liking in science subjects and they can write about it. Budha along with Guru (Jupiter) in shubha yoga indicates that they are good in literature and creativity. Budha in this house along with Saturn, Mars or Harshal shows that they can be cheated by friends, can suffer from mental problems and tensions.
Thought for the Day
Do all things with love.
---Og Mandino.
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has courage to lose sight of the shore.
--------Andre Gide.
Shukra Stotram