Dhenu StotramDhenu Stotram is in Sanskrit. It is a very beautiful creation of Shri Sridhar Swami on the auspicious day of Govatsa Dwadashi at Vardapuram Karnataka in the year 1964. Dhenu (Cow) is very pious, holy and as per our belief all Gods and Goddess have taken her shelter i.e. they live in her. Dhenu is just like our mother. Whenever we worship Dhenu they (Gods and Goddess) become pleased. This Dhenu Stotram describes why we worship Dhenu and why Dhenu is pious for us. In Diwali festival many people in India worship SaVatsa Dhenu (Cow having a Calf) on VasuBaras i.e. Aswin (Name of the Month in which Diwali is celebrated.) Krushana Dwadashi. This year we celebrated it on 3rd November 2010.
1 O! GoMata (Cow as mother)! I bow to you; being pious you make us like you. In the world in which we live, you are our boat which can lead us to the bank in a righteous way. We can live in this world filled with many difficulties and troubles; taking your shelter.
2 O! Dhenu! Gods and Goddesses live in you i.e. they have taken your shelter. They become pleased when we worship you. Vedas have also praised you in many ways. Your milk is our life energy and Ghee is the life for us.
3 O! Dhenu! Gods are always become powerful; acquire knowledge, peace, devotion, intelligence and good position because of your Milk and Ghee (prepared by milk). Hence we ordinary people can also receive all such blessings by worshiping you.
4 As Aghni (Fire) burns wood, so your Panchagavya of holy Dhenu burns our sins and purify us. Panchagavya is described as very pious and Brahmin people drink it as pious water. Dhenu you are very pious and you feed and protect us.
5 In Vedas you are described as Brahma. God Shri Krishana had served you and hence my serving you or worshiping is not of much importance or of much value. So also I am being ordinary man unable to describe your greatness and virtues.
6 Anybody worshiping Dhenu every day and serving her with devotion, chanting this Dhenu Stotram; will become happy and receive Knowledge, Wealth, Sound Health and devotion.
Thus here completes Dhenu Stotram created by Sridhar Swami.
Thought for the Day
A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
-----Thomas Carlyle.
To many people, holidays are not voyages of discovery, but a ritual of reassurance.
---Phillip Andrew.
Dhenu Stotram

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