Shodashi Kavacham
Shodashi Kavacham is in Sanskrit. This is a very pious and powerful Kavacham. Though this kavacham is as described in it; is for protection of the body of the devotee but it gives all pleasures, money and property, long and healthy life, success in every endeavor. The most usefulness of this kavacham is for married people when any couple is having a trouble in their married life then reciting this kavacham dissolves their problems and their difference of opinions are solved resulting in normalizing their married life with a lasting loving relationship for each other. Even couple went to the extent of thinking of divorce are benefited and started living normal married life. The Kavacham is to be recited daily, with faith and concentration and devotion. Janardan is Rushi and God of this Kavacham. Chanda of this Kavacham is anushtup. For obtaining Moksha i.e. freeness from the bondage of life this kavacham is recited. Let Goddess Ugra protects my heart. Let Goddess Maheshwari protect my throat. Goddess Ujjata protects my eyes. Let Goddess Vindhyavasini protects my ears. Let Goddess Vishakha protects my forehead. Let Goddess Shakini and Goddess Rakini also protect me. Goddess Lakini protects my both the shoulders. Goddess Dikkarvasini protects my feet. Rest of the body is to be protected by Goddess Shodashi. Devotee is asking Goddess Shodashi; O! Goddess please bless us with money, property, pleasures, good and sound health, long life, Success in married life, removal of difficulties/troubles and moksha.
षोडशी कवच
षोडशी कवचस्यास्य ऋषिर्देवो जनार्दनः I
छन्दोSनुष्टुप् च विज्ञेयो मोक्षार्थं नियोगः स्मृतः II
उग्रा मे हृदयं पातु कंठं पातु महेश्वरी I
उज्जटा नयने पातु कर्णौ च विंध्यवासिनी II
ललाटे विशाखा पातु शाकिनी राकिनी तथा I
लाकिनी बाहुयुग्मं मे पादौ दिक्कारवासिनि II
अन्यान्यंगप्रत्यंगानि षौडशी पातु संततम् I
धनदं भोगदं देवी आयुरारोग्य कारणम् II
यशस्यं नरनार्योस्तु मनोमीलनकारकम् I
मोक्षदं विघ्ननाशश्च नरनारी वशंकरम् II
हें कवच धनदायक, भोगप्रद, आयुर्वर्धक, आरोग्यकारक, यशदायक आणि मोक्षप्रद आहे. ह्याच्या नित्य पठन प्रसादाने स्त्री-पुरुषांचे परस्परांशी मनोमिलन होऊन त्यांची सर्व विघ्ने दूर होतात.
Shodashi Kavacham

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