Malhari Dhyanam
God Malhari has a golden body means his body is shining as gold. His wife Mhalasa is sitting on his thigh. His horse is white in color. He has Khadga as a weapon in his hand. All wise people are always in his service and they take it as their honor. One should always worship Malhari in his dhyanam. Malhari has rested his feet on the heads of demon Mani and demon Malla as per their wish. He is holding damroo in his one hand. He is looking beautiful as turmeric power is present on his body. He is accompanying a dog. He is always giving blessings to his devotees. He is always in Omkar roopa. One should always worship Malhari in his dhyanam.
मल्हारी ध्यानम्
ध्यायेन्मल्लहारिदेवं कनकगिरिनिभं म्हाळसाभूषिताङ्कम् I
श्वेताश्वं खड्गहस्त विबुधबुध गणैः सेव्यमानं कृतार्थैः II
युक्ताघ्रि दैत्यमूर्घ्नि डमरुविलसितं नैशचूर्णाभिरामम् I
नित्यं भक्तेषु तुष्टं स्वगणपरिवृतं नित्यमोंकाररूपम् II
II इति मल्लारि माहात्म्येषु मल्हारी ध्यानम् II
ज्याचा वर्ण सुवर्ण आहे, म्हाळसेने ज्याची मांडी भूषित केली आहे, ज्याचा घोडा
पांढऱ्या रंगाचा आहे, ज्याच्या हातांत खड्ग आहे, शहाणे लोक ज्याची सेवा करण्यांत
स्वतःला कृतार्थ समजतात अशा मल्लारी देवाचे नित्य ध्यान करावे. दैत्याच्या
मस्तकावर ज्याने पाय ठेवलेला आहे, त्याच्या एका हातांत डमरू विलसत आहे,
हरिद्राचूर्णामुळे तो सुंदर दिसतो आहे, ज्याच्या बरोबर कुत्रे आहे आणि भक्तांवर
त्याची नित्य कृपाच असते, असा हा मल्हारी देव नित्य ओंकाररूपच होय.
Malhari Dhyanam

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