Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Shri Lalita SahasraNam Stotram Part 2 OF 6 श्री ललिता सहस्त्रनाम स्तोत्र भाग २ एकंदर ६

Shri Lalita SahasraNam Stotram Part 2 OF 6 
In this Second part of Lalita SahasraNam Stotra You will find very pious and important names of the Goddess Lalita; which helps in development of spiritual Powers. Hence all such people who are after development of spiritual powers are requested to recite Goddess Lalita SahasraNam Stotra every day. The names which are referred in above are as under: 
मूलाधारैक निलया ब्रह्मग्रंथि विभेदिनी । 
मणिपूरान्तरुदिता विष्णुग्रंथि विभेदिनी ॥ ३८ ॥ 
आज्ञाचक्रान्तरालस्था रुद्रग्रंथि विभेदिनी । 
सहस्त्रारांबुजारुढा सुधारासाराभिवर्षिणी ॥ ३९ ॥ 
तडिल्लता समरुचिः षट्चक्रोपरि संस्थिता । 
महासक्तिः, कुण्डलिनी बिसतन्तु तनीयसी ॥ ४० ॥ 
Muladaraika Nilaya BrahmaGranti Vibhedini ; Manipurantarudita VishnuGranthi Vibhedini; Aadnyachakrantaralastha RrudraGranti Vibhedini; Sahasrambujarudha sudhasaraBhivarshini; 
Tadillata samruchihi Shatchakropari Sansitha; Mahasaktihi Kundalini Bisatantu Taniyasi. 
This Stotram is in Sanskrit. It is from Brahmand Purana Uttarkhand. It has arisen from the conversation between Hayagriva and Agastya Rushi. Stotram consists of thousand pious names of Goddess Lalita. Shri Lalita Sahasra Nam Stotram is very powerful, pious, and holy and fulfill all the desires of devotee whosoever recites these thousand names of Goddess Lalita every day with devotion. There are many people who use to recite this stotram every day and have experienced improvement in their life and richly rewarded with health, wealth, happiness and peace by the blessings of Goddess Lalita. After reciting this stotra every day with devotion, faith and concentration, many people who had heart problems have observed that their heart problems are removed and received sound health by the blessings of Goddess Lalita. I am uploading Shri Lalita SahasraNam Stotram in 6 parts within a month’s time. I request all such people who are having Heart disease to recite all the six parts and receive blessings of Goddess Lalita.

श्री ललिता सहस्त्रनाम स्तोत्र भाग २ एकंदर ६ 
महागणेश निर्भिन्न विघ्नयन्त्र प्रहर्षिता । 
भण्डासुरेन्द्र निर्मुक्त शस्त्र प्रत्यस्त्र वर्षिणी ॥ ३१ ॥ 
करांगुलि नखोत्पन्न नारायण दशाकृतिः । 
महा पाशुपतास्त्राग्नि निर्दग्धासुर सैनिका ॥ ३२ ॥ 
कामेश्र्वरास्त्र निर्दग्ध सभण्डासुर शून्यका । 
ब्रह्मोपेन्द्र महेन्द्रादि देव संस्तुत वैभवा ॥ ३३ ॥ 
हर नेत्राग्नि संदग्ध काम संजीवनौषधिः । 
श्रीमद्वाग्भव कूटैक स्वरुप मुख पंकजा ॥ ३४ ॥ 
कण्ठाधः कटि पर्यन्त मध्यकूट स्वरुपिणी । 
शक्तिकूटैकतापन्न कट्यधोभाग धारिणी ॥ ३५ ॥ 
मूलमंत्रात्मिका मूलकूटत्रय कलेबरा । 
कुलामृतैक रसिका, कुलसंकेत पालिनी ॥ ३६ ॥ 
 कुलांगना, कुंलान्तस्था, कौलिनी, कुलयोगिनी । 
अकुला समयान्तस्था समयाचार तत्परा ॥ ३७ ॥ 
मूलाधारैक निलया ब्रह्मग्रंथि विभेदिनी । 
मणिपूरान्तरुदिता विष्णुग्रंथि विभेदिनी ॥ ३८ ॥ 
आज्ञाचक्रान्तरालस्था रुद्रग्रंथि विभेदिनी । 
सहस्त्रारांबुजारुढा सुधारासाराभिवर्षिणी ॥ ३९ ॥ 
तडिल्लता समरुचिः षट्चक्रोपरि संस्थिता । 
महासक्तिः, कुण्डलिनी बिसतन्तु तनीयसी ॥ ४० ॥ 
भवानी भावनागम्या भवारण्य कुठारिका । 
भद्रप्रिया भद्रमूर्ति र्भक्त सौभाग्यदायिनी ॥ ४१ ॥ 
भक्तिप्रिया भक्तिगम्या भक्तिवश्या भयापहा । 
शांभवी शारदाराध्या, शर्वाणी शर्मदायिनी ॥ ४२ ॥ 
शांकरी श्रीकरी साध्वी शरच्चंद्र निभानना । 
शातोदरी शान्तिमती निराधारा निरंजना ॥ ४३ ॥ 
निर्लेपा निर्मला नित्या निराकारा निराकुला । 
निर्गुणा निष्कला शान्ता निष्कामा निरुपल्लवा ॥ ४४ ॥ 
नित्यमुक्ता निर्विकारा निष्प्रपंचा निराश्रया । 
नित्यशुद्धा नित्यबुद्धा निरवद्दा निरन्तरा ॥ ४५ ॥ 
निष्कारणा निष्कलंका निरुपाधि र्निरीश्वरा । 
निरागा रागमथनी निर्मदा मदनाशिनी ॥ ४६ ॥ 
निश्चिन्ता निरहंकारा निर्मोहा मोहनाशिनी । 
निर्ममा ममताहन्त्री, निष्पापा पापनाशिनी ॥ ४७ ॥ 
निष्क्रोधा क्रोधशमनी, निर्लोभा लोभनाशिनी । 
निःसंशया संशयघ्नी, निर्भवा, भवनाशिनी ॥ ४८ ॥ 
निर्विकल्पा निराबाधा निर्भेदा भेदनाशिनी । 
निर्नाशा मृत्युमथनी निष्क्रिया निष्परिग्रहा ॥ ४९ ॥ 
निस्तुला नीलचिकुरा निरपाया निरत्यया । 
दुर्लभा दुर्गमा दुर्गा दुःखहन्त्री सुखप्रदा ॥ ५० ॥ 
 दुष्टदूरा दुराचारशमनी दोष वर्जिता । 
सर्वज्ञा सान्द्रकरुणा समानाधिक वर्जिता ॥ ५१ ॥ 
सर्वशक्तिमयी सर्वमंगला सद्गति प्रदा । 
सर्वेश्वरी सर्वमयी सर्वमन्त्र स्वरुपिणी ॥ ५२ ॥ 
सर्व यन्त्रात्मिका सर्व तन्त्ररुपा मनोन्मनी । 
माहेश्वरी महादेवी महालक्ष्मी र्मृडप्रिया ॥ ५३ ॥ 
महारुपा महापूज्या महा पातक नाशिनी । 
महामाया महासत्वा महाशक्ति र्महारतिः ॥ ५४ ॥ 
महाभोगा महैश्वर्या महावीर्या महाबला । 
महाबुद्धि र्महासिद्धि र्महायोगेश्वरेश्वरी ॥ ५५ ॥ 
महातन्त्रा, महामन्त्रा महायन्त्रा महासना । 
महायाग क्रमाराध्या महाभैरव पूजिता ॥ ५६ ॥ 
महेश्वर महाकल्प महाताण्डव साक्षिणी । 
महाकामेश महिषी महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी ॥ ५७ ॥ 
चतुष्षष्ट्युपचाराढ्या चतुष्षष्टिकलामयी । 
महाचतुः षष्टिकोटि योगिनी गणसेविता ॥ ५८ ॥ 
मनुविद्दा चन्द्रविद्दा चंद्रमण्डल मध्यगा । 
चारुरुपा चारुहासा चारुचन्द्र कलाधरा ॥ ५९ ॥ 
चराचर जगन्नाथा चक्रराज निकेतना । 
पार्वती पद्मनयना पद्मराग समप्रभा ॥ ६० ॥
ललिता सहस्त्रनाम 
या सहस्त्रनाम स्तोत्राचे सामर्थ्य फार मोठे आहे. देवीचे जे भक्त आहेत त्यानी नित्य हे स्तोत्र म्हणावे/ वाचावे अगर ऐकावे. मन:शांती तर लाभतेच शिवाय आत्मज्ञान होऊन अंती मुक्तीही लाभते. मात्र वाचन शुद्ध व न्यासयुक्त असावे. ज्यांना हे स्तोत्र रोज म्हणणे शक्य नसेल त्यांनी २२ जून व २२ डिसेंबरला (वर्षांतील सर्वांत लहान व सर्वांत मोठा दिवस), आपली जन्मतिथी, शुद्ध अष्टमी, चतुर्दशी आणि पौर्णिमेस जरुर म्हणावे/ वाचावे अगर ऐकावे. या स्तोत्रांत रोगनाश करण्याची फार मोठी शक्ती आहे. घरांतील आजारी व्यक्तीसाठी भस्म हातांत घेऊन हे म्हणावे आणि नंतर ते भस्म आजारी व्यक्तीच्या कपाळावर लावावे. ह्रदयविकारावर तर हे स्तोत्र फार प्रभावी आहे.
Shri Lalita SahasraNam Stotram Part 2 OF 6  
श्री ललिता सहस्त्रनाम स्तोत्र भाग २ एकंदर ६ 

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Shri Ganesh Stavan श्री गणेश स्तवन

Moreshwar MorGaon

Shri Ganesh Stavan 
Shri Ganesh Stavan is in Marathi. It is a beautiful creation of Great devotee of God Ganesha. He was from Gosavi family of Chinchwad. Moraya Gosavi was great devotee of God Ganesh. God Ganesh’s blessings were always with him. In Chinchwad near Pune, Maharashtra there is samadhi of this great devotee and famous Ganesh Temple. 
1 Morya Gosavi in this pious, holy stotra says to God Ganesh that “I am tired of this material world. I kept myself busy in looking after my personal benefits and now I know that it had done no good to me. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 2 My organs engaged me in the subjects which I thought will bring me happiness which was not to be. Now I know that it was my wrong idea; even knowing that my false knowledge (that there is happiness in the subjects created by organs) still attracting me towards material world. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
3 Sex, Anger and Greediness are burning me. Sex and Anger are very much troubling me. My mind has become very unstable. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
4 I am always thing of money and lady (sex), It has become my habit now. I have forgotten you and your kindness. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 5 O Ganesha! You are our mother, father, brother and relative. You are really our well-wisher. We are surrendering to you. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help us and make us free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
6 I am calling myself as your devotee. God Ganesha you are everywhere and you know everything. O caretaker of devotees! God Ganesha everything to me to live in this material world and at the end, make me free from bondage of life and death. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
7 Please guide me what to do? How to do? I am your innocent son without any knowledge. The feeling that I am separate from you and every living thing made me unhappy. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
8 I have become unhappy because of engaging myself in the subjects of my organs. I always thought that my body is me. This was my false knowledge. I came in troubles because of that false knowledge. Please make me free from false knowledge. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
9 O God Gajamukha! My eyes are tired of waiting to see you (your darshan). When I can see (have your darshan) you so that you will remove my false knowledge? Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
10 O God Ganesha! I am very surprise knowing that, you are always at our guidance however we are always surrounded by the subjects created by our body and organs. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
11 You are always very pious, formless, unmoved, you are with form also, you are one with everything and you are beyond everything, Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 12 O God Ganesha! I know that my life is a waste without you. I now know that my true gain is in having a real knowledge. In this material world there is no happiness but it is filled with greediness and sorrow. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 13 I am not a good orator and I can’t talk better. I have seen your feet and I now think too much about me. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 14 you always help people who are in sorrow, who are unhappy. Hence O Ganesha! Now please help me and prove yourself that you are our caretaker. You always think and do well for all in this world. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
15 I know now that everything which is valuable and which is valuable other than money in this world is not permanent and everything has an end. Hence please let me have your blessings and pious darshan which will only bring happiness to my soul. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 16 Time is running very fast and I am very much eager to be blessed by your darshan. It is unbearable for me to live without blessings. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 17 I don’t know how and unto what times I have to pray you for blessing me. Hence God Ganesh either you end my life or bless me by your darshan. You are the destroyer of all sins and all troubles and difficulties. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 18 I like and love your form which has occupied all three worlds (Patala, Pruthavi and Swarga). I will worship and performed aarti. Please hurry and come fast and bless me by making me happy with your darshan. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 19 O God Ganesha! Don’t be so harsh and with hard heart. Please don’t stretch us unto the end and bless us with your darshan. You are having rat as a vehicle. You are the husband of all siddhies. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 20 you are blessings us as we wish and anything we wish. You are just like Kalparuksha or KamDhenu. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 21 Gosavinandan (Son of Gosavi Family) is praying you. O God Ganesha! Either you end my life or bless me. Please fulfil my desire to see you. Hence O Very kind God Ganesha! Please help me and make me free from the unhappiness and sorrow and troubles of this material world. 
 22 We will pray God Ganapati, who gives us knowledge and who is an ocean of kindness, to bless us with true knowledge, intelligence and memory. Please remove all our worries, sorrow, poverty and difficulties. O God Heramb! Gananayak! Gajamukha! Moreshwar! Please make all the devotees happy. 
 Thus here completes this Shri Ganesh Stavan created by GosaviNandan.

श्री गणेश स्तवन 

 घोर हा नको फार कष्टलों ॥ निजहितास मी व्यर्थ गु्ंतलों ॥ 
वारिं शीघ्र ही संसारयातना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ १ ॥ 
विषय गोड हे लागले मला ॥ यामुळें असे घात आपुला ॥ 
कळुनियां असे भ्रांति जाइना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ २ ॥ 
त्रिविध ताप हा जाळितो अती ॥ काम क्रोध हे जाण पीडिती ॥ 
चित्त सर्वथा स्वस्थ राहिना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ ३ ॥ 
स्त्रीधनादि हें आठवीं मनीं ॥ छंद हाचि रे दिवसयामिनीं ॥ 
विसरलों तुला दीनपालना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ ४ ॥ 
माउली पिता बंधु सोयरा ॥ तूंचि आमुचा निश्र्चयें खरा ॥ 
शरण तूज मी विघ्नभंजना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ ५ ॥ 
म्हणवितों तुझा दास या जनीं ॥ सकळ व्यापका जाणशी मनीं ॥ 
भुक्ति मुक्ति दे भक्तपालना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ ६ ॥ 
काय काय रे साधने करुं ॥ मी असें तुझें मूर्ख लेंकरुं ॥ 
विटंबिती मला द्वैतभावना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ ७ ॥ 
विषयचिंतनें शोक पावलों ॥ देहबुद्धिनें व्यर्थ नाडलों ॥ 
भालचंद्रजी तोडि बंधना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ ८ ॥ 
गजमुखा तुझी वाट पाहतां ॥ नेत्र शीणले जाण तत्वतां ॥ 
भेटसी कधीं भ्रमनिवारणा ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ ९ ॥ 
प्रभु समर्थ तूं आमुचे शिरीं ॥ वेष्टिलों असें विषय पामरीं ॥ 
नवल हेंचि रे वाटतें मना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ १० ॥ 
अगुण अद्वया तूं परात्परा ॥ पार नेणवे विधिहरीहरां ॥ 
अचल निर्मळा नित्य निर्गुणा ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ ११ ॥ 
जिवन व्यर्थ हें तूजवेगळें ॥ स्वहित आपुलें काय साधिलें ॥ 
सुख नसे सदा मोह यातना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ १२ ॥ 
फारसें मला बोलतां न ये ॥ पाउलें तुझीं देखिलीं स्वयें ॥ 
मांडिली असे बहुत वल्गना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ १३ ॥ 
दीनबंधु हें ब्रीद आपुलें ॥ साच तूं करीं दाविं पाउलें ॥ 
मंगलालया विश्र्वजीवना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ १४ ॥ 
नाशिवंत रे सर्व संपदा ॥ हें नको मला पाव एकदां ॥ 
क्षेम देउनी चित्तरंजना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ १५ ॥ 
जातसे घडी पलयुगापरी ॥ लागली तुझी खंति अंतरीं ॥ 
स्वामि आपुला विरह साहिना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ १६ ॥ 
कळेल तें करीं विनवणें किती ॥ तारिं अथवा मारिं गणपती ॥ 
सकल दोष संकष्टनाशना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ १७ ॥ 
आवडे मला त्रिभुवनाकृती ॥ पूजुनी वरी करिन आरती ॥ 
धांव पाव रे मोदकाशना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ १८ ॥ 
ह्रदय कठिण तूं न करिं सर्वथा ॥ अंत आमुचा पाहसि पूरता ॥ 
सिद्धिवल्लभा मुषकवाहना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ १९ ॥ 
कल्पवृक्ष तूं कामधेनु वा॥ लाविजे स्तनीं जीविंच्या जिवा ॥ 
हाचि हेत रे शेषभूषणा ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ २० ॥ 
तारिं मोरया दुःखसागरीं ॥ गोसाविनंदन प्रार्थना करी ॥ 
आत्मया मनीं जाण चिद्घना ॥ हे दयानिधे श्री गजानना ॥ २१ ॥ 
प्रारंभीं विनती करुं गणपती विद्यादयासागरा ॥ 
अज्ञानत्व हरोनि बुद्धि मति दे आराध्य मोरेश्र्वरा ॥ 
चिंता क्लेश दरिद्र दुःख अवघें देशांतरा पाठवीं ॥ 
हेरंबा गणनायका गजमुखा भक्तां बहू तोषवीं ॥ २२ ॥ 
॥ इति गोसाविनंदन विरचितं श्री गणेश स्तवन संपूर्णं ॥
Shri Ganesh Stavan
श्री गणेश स्तवन
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Shri VishnuKrutam Ganesh Stotram श्री विष्णुकृतं गणेश स्तोत्रम्

Shri VishnuKrutam Ganesh Stotram 

Shri Ganesh Chaturthi is a God Ganesh festival celebrated mainly in Maharashtra. It is celebrated every year on Bhadrapad Shukla Chaturthi. This year we are celebrating it on 19th September 2012 on Wednesday. According to the custom people bring idol of God Ganesh in their house and worship it on the day and till it is in the house. Some people keep this idol of God Ganesh for one and half day, some keep it for five days, some for seven days and some for ten days. All such days pooja, worship and reciting of Stotras and Mantras are performed. The atmosphere in the house becomes so holy, pious and spiritual that everybody feels it. Worship or pooja of God Ganesh is performed in the morning and in the evening. I am uploading God Ganesh Stotra created by God Vishnu for all the devotees. This stotra is a God Ganesh Stotra in Sanskrit, created by God Vishnu. It is from Brahmavaivart Purana, Ganesh Khanda chapter 13 sholaks 40 to 58. God Vishnu said: O! Isha (Ganesh), I want to praise you; you are present since ancient times. However I am unable to praise you as it is beyond my capabilities. Since you are great among all gods, siddhas and masters of yogis; you are beyond desires, you are Ishwar of all, you are present in all forms of life, you are the knowledge, you are visible and invisible, you are forever, you are not destroyable, you are truth, you are the soul, you don’t have any layer like wind, you are witness for everything, you are the navigator for the people to help in this material world, you bless the devotees, you are great among the gods who bless their devotees, you are beyond meditation, you are religion, you are the seed of this material world. Shesh Nag who is having thousand mouths is unable to praise you. God Kartikeya who is having six mouths is also unable to praise you. God Shiva who is having five mouths is also unable to praise you. God Brahma, Goddess Saraswati and I (God Vishnu) are also unable to praise you since lack of proper knowledge. The four Vedas are also unable to praise you properly, then how the people who have knowledge of Vedas can praise you? Then Sureshwar (God Vishnu) after praising God Ganesh as above became speechless in the gathering of all gods. Now Narayan is telling Narad Rushi; O! Narad, the devotee who recites this stotra three times in a day with concentration is blessed by God Ganesh and all his difficulties, troubles are removed from his life. He is ever filled with happiness. The person who recites this stotra while in journey; all his desires are fulfilled by the blessings of God Ganesh. His bad dreams are converted into good dreams. He destroys all his enemies by the blessing of God Ganesh. His wealth goes on increasing. Goddess Laxmi stays in his house for ever. At the end of his life, he goes to Vaikuntha.

श्री विष्णुकृतं गणेश स्तोत्रम् 

ईश त्वां स्तोतुमिच्छामि ब्रह्मज्योतिः सनातनम् । 
निरुपितुमशक्तोsहमनुरुपमनीहकम् ॥ १ ॥ 
प्रवरं सर्वदेवानां सिद्धानां योगिनां गुरुम् । 
सर्वस्वरुपं सर्वेशं ज्ञानराशिस्वरुपिणम् ॥ २ ॥ 
अव्यक्तमक्षरं नित्यं सत्यमात्मस्वरुपिणम् । 
वायुतुल्यातिनिर्लिप्तं चाक्षतं सर्वसाक्षिणम् ॥ ३ ॥ 
संसारार्णवपारे च मायापोते सुदुर्लभे । 
कर्णधारस्वरुपं च भक्तानुग्रहकारकम् ॥ ४ ॥ 
वरं वरेण्यं वरदं वरदानामपीश्र्वरम् । 
सिद्धं सिद्धिस्वरुपं च सिद्धिदं सिद्धिसाधनम् ॥ ५ ॥ 
ध्यानातिरिक्तं ध्येयं च ध्यानासाध्यं च धार्मिकम् । 
धर्मस्वरुपं धर्मज्ञं धर्माधर्मफलप्रदम् ॥ ६ ॥ 
 बीजं संसारवृक्षाणामङकुरं च तदाश्रयम् । 
स्त्रीपुत्रपुंसकानां च रुपमेतदतीन्द्रियम् ॥ ७ ॥ 
सर्वाद्यमग्रपूज्यं च सर्वपूज्यं गुणार्णवम् । 
स्वेच्छया सगुणं ब्रह्म निर्गुणं चापि स्वेच्छया ॥ ८ ॥ 
स्वयं प्रकृतिरुपं च प्राकृतं प्रकृतेः परम् । 
त्वां स्तोतुमक्षमोsनन्तः सहस्त्रवदनेन च ॥ ९ ॥ 
न क्षमः पञ्चवक्त्रश्र्च न क्षमश्र्चतुराननः । 
सरस्वती न शक्ता च न शक्तोsहं तव स्तुतौ । 
न शक्ताश्र्च चतुर्वेदाः के वा ते वेदवादिनः ॥ १० ॥ 
इत्येवं स्तवनं कृत्वा सुरेशं सुरसंसदि । 
सुरेशश्र्च सुरैः सार्द्धं विरराम रमापतिः ॥ ११ ॥ 
इदं विष्णुकृतं स्तोत्रं गणेशस्य च यः पठेत् । 
सायंप्रातश्र्च मध्याह्ने भक्तियुक्तः समाहितः ॥ १२ ॥ 
तद्विघ्ननिघ्नं कुरुते विघ्नेशः सततं मुने । 
वर्धते सर्वकल्याणं कल्याणजनकः सदा ॥ १३ ॥ 
यात्राकाले पठित्वा तु यो याति भक्तिपूर्वकम् । 
तस्य सर्वाभीष्टसिद्धिर्भवत्येव न संशयः ॥ १४ ॥ 
तेन दृष्टं च दुःस्वप्नं सुस्वप्नमुपजायते । 
कदापि न भवेत्तस्य ग्रहपीडा च दारुणा ॥ १५ ॥ 
भवेद् विनाशः शत्रूणां बन्धूनां च विवर्धनम् । 
शश्र्वदिघ्नविनाशश्र्च शश्र्वत् सम्पद्विवर्धनम् ॥ १६ ॥ 
स्थिरा भवेद् गृहे लक्ष्मीः पुत्रपौत्रविवर्धिनी । 
सर्वैश्र्वर्यमिह प्राप्य ह्यन्ते विष्णुपदं लभेत् ॥ १७ ॥ 
फलं चापि च तीर्थानां यज्ञानां यद् भवेद् ध्रुवम् । 
महतां सर्वदानानां श्रीगणेशप्रसादतः ॥ १८ ॥ ॥ 
इति श्रीब्रह्मवैवर्ते श्रीविष्णुकृतं गणेशस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

Shri VishnuKrutam Ganesh Stotram 
श्री विष्णुकृतं गणेश स्तोत्रम् 

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Shri Lalita Sahasra Nam Stotram Part 1OF 6 श्री ललिता सहस्त्रनाम स्तोत्र

Shri Lalita Sahasra Nam Stotram Part 1OF 6 
This Stotram is in Sanskrit. It is from Brahmand Purana Uttarkhand. It has arisen from the conversation between Hayagriva and Agastya Rushi. Stotram consists of thousand pious names of Goddess Lalita. Shri Lalita Sahasra Nam Stotram is very powerful, pious, and holy and fulfill all the desires of devotee whosoever recites these thousand names of Goddess Lalita every day with devotion. There are many people who use to recite this stotram every day and have experienced improvement in their life and richly rewarded with health, wealth, happiness and peace by the blessings of Goddess Lalita. After reciting this stotra every day with devotion, faith and concentration, many people who had heart problems have observed that their heart problems are removed and received sound health by the blessings of Goddess Lalita. I am uploading Shri Lalita SahasraNam Stotram in 6 parts within a month’s time. I request all such people who are having Heart disease to recite all the six parts and receive blessings of Goddess Lalita. 

श्री ललिता सहस्त्रनाम स्तोत्र 
श्रीमाता, श्रीमहाराज्ञी श्रीमत् सिंहासनेश्वरी । 
चिदग्नि कुण्ड सम्भूता देवकार्य समुद्दता ॥ १ ॥ 
उद्दभ्दानु सहस्त्राभा, चतुर्बाहु समन्विता । 
रागस्वरुप पाशाढ्या, क्रोधाकाराङ्कुशोज्ज्वला ॥ २ ॥ 
मनोरुपेक्षु कोदण्डा पंचतन्मात्र सायका । 
निजारुण प्रभापूर मज्जद् ब्रह्माण्ड मण्डला ॥ ३ ॥ 
चम्पकाशोक पुन्नाग सौगन्धिक लसत्कचा । 
कुरुविन्दमणि श्रेणी कनतकोटीर मण्डिता ॥ ४ ॥ 
अष्टमीचन्द्र विभ्राज दलिकस्थल शोभिता । 
मुखचन्द्र कलङ्काभ मृगनाभि विशेषका ॥ ५ ॥ 
वदनस्मर मांगल्य गृहतोरण चिल्लिका । 
 वक्त्रलक्ष्मी परिवाह चलन्मीनाभ लोचना ॥ ६ ॥ 
नवचम्पक पुष्पाभ नासादण्ड विराजिता । 
ताराकान्ति तिरस्कारि नासाभरण भासुरा ॥ ७ ॥ 
कदम्बमंजरी क्लृप्त कर्णपूर मनोहरा । 
ताटङ्क युगली भूत तपनोडुप मण्डला ॥ ८ ॥ 
पद्मरागशिलादर्श परिभावि कपोलभूः । 
नवविद्रुम बिम्बश्री न्यक्कारिरदशनच्छदा ॥ ९ ॥ 
शुद्धविद्दाङ्कुराकार द्विजपंक्ति द्वयोज्जवला । 
कर्पूरवीटिकामोद समाकर्षि दिगन्तरा ॥ १० ॥ 
निज संलाप माधुर्य विनिर्भर्त्सित कच्छपी । 
मंदस्मित प्रभापूर मज्जत्कामेश मानसा ॥ ११ ॥ 
अनाकलित सादृश्य चिबुकश्री विराजिता । 
कामेश बद्ध मांगल्य सूत्र शोभित कन्धरा ॥ १२ ॥ 
कनकांगद केयूर, कमनीय भुजान्विता । 
रत्नग्रैवेय चिन्ताक लोल मुक्ता फलान्विता ॥ १३ ॥ 
कामेश्र्वर प्रेमरत्न मणि प्रतिपण स्तनी । 
नाभ्यालवाल रोमालि लता फल कुचद्वयी ॥ १४ ॥ 
लक्ष्यरोम लताधारता समुन्नेय मध्यमा । 
स्तनभार दलन्मध्य पट्टबन्ध वलित्रया ॥ १५ ॥ 
अरुणारुणकौसुंभ वस्त्र भास्वत् कटीतटी । 
रत्न किंकिणिंका रम्य रशना दाम भूषिता ॥ १६ ॥ 
कामेश ज्ञात सौभाग्य मार्दवोरु द्वयान्विता । 
माणिक्य मुकुटाकार जानुद्वय विराजिता ॥ १७ ॥ 
इन्द्रगोप परिक्षिप्त स्मरतूणाभ जंघिका । 
गूढगुल्फा कूर्मपृष्ठ जयिष्णु प्रपदान्विता ॥ १८ ॥ 
नख दीधिती संछन्न नमज्जन तमोगुणा । 
पदद्वय प्रभाजाल पराकृत सरोरुहा ॥ १९ ॥ 
सिंजान मणिमंजीर मण्डित श्री पदाम्बुजा । 
मराली मन्दगमना महालावण्य शेवधिः ॥ २० ॥ 
सर्वारुणाsनवद्दांगी सर्वाभरण भूषिता । 
शिवकामेश्र्वरांकस्था शिवा स्वाधीन वल्लभा ॥ २१ ॥ 
सुमेरु मध्य श्रृंगस्था, श्रीमन्नगर नायिका । 
चिन्तामणि ग्रहान्तस्था, पंच ब्रह्मासन स्थिता ॥ २२ ॥ 
महापद्माटवी संस्था कदंबवन वासिनी । 
सुधासागर मध्यस्था कामाक्षी कामदायिनी ॥ २३ ॥ 
देवर्षि गण संघात स्तूयमानात्म वैभवा । 
भंडासुर वधोद्दुक्त शक्तिसेना समन्विता ॥ २४ ॥ 
संपत्करी समारुढ सिंधुर व्रज सेविता । 
अश्र्वारुढाधिष्ठिताश्र्व कोटि कोटिभि रावृता ॥ २५ ॥ 
चक्रराज रथारुढ सर्वायुध परिष्कृता । 
गेयचक्र रथारुढ मंत्रिणि परिसेविता ॥ २६ ॥ 
किरिचक्र रथारुढ दण्डनाथा पुरस्कृता । 
ज्वालामालिनिकाक्षिप्त वन्हिनप्राकार मध्यगा ॥ २७ ॥ 
भण्डसैन्य वधोद्दुक्त शक्ति विक्रम हर्षिता । 
नित्या पराक्रमाटोप निरीक्षण समुत्सुका ॥ २८ ॥ 
भण्डपुत्र वधोद्दुक्त बाला विक्रम नंदिता । 
मन्त्रिण्यंबा विरचित विषंग वध तोषिता ॥ २९ ॥ 
विशुक्र प्राणहरण वाराही वीर्य नंदिता । 
कामेश्र्वर मुखालोक कल्पित श्रीगणेश्र्वरा ॥ ३० ॥

ललिता सहस्त्रनाम

या सहस्त्रनाम स्तोत्राचे सामर्थ्य फार मोठे आहे. देवीचे जे भक्त आहेत त्यानी नित्य हे स्तोत्र म्हणावे/ वाचावे अगर ऐकावे. मन:शांती तर लाभतेच शिवाय आत्मज्ञान होऊन अंती मुक्तीही लाभते. मात्र वाचन शुद्ध व न्यासयुक्त असावे. ज्यांना हे स्तोत्र रोज म्हणणे शक्य नसेल त्यांनी २२ जून व २२ डिसेंबरला (वर्षांतील सर्वांत लहान व सर्वांत मोठा दिवस), आपली जन्मतिथी, शुद्ध अष्टमी, चतुर्दशी आणि पौर्णिमेस जरुर म्हणावे/ वाचावे अगर ऐकावे. या स्तोत्रांत रोगनाश करण्याची फार मोठी शक्ती आहे. घरांतील आजारी व्यक्तीसाठी भस्म हातांत घेऊन हे म्हणावे आणि नंतर ते भस्म आजारी व्यक्तीच्या कपाळावर लावावे. ह्रदयविकारावर तर हे स्तोत्र फार प्रभावी आहे.

Shri Lalita Sahasra Nam Stotram Part 1OF 6 
श्री ललिता सहस्त्रनाम स्तोत्र 

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