Vaishakha krushna Amavasya is the birth day of Bhagwan Shani. We call this day as Shanaishchar Jayanti. Current year it is on 20th may 2012. In many Shani temples it is celebrated. Idol of Bhagwan Shani is worshiped. A special TailSnan, Tail abishek (bath with Teel-oil) is performed on the idol. Black and blue flowers are used for pooja. As per astrological assumption Bhagwan Shani is of very much importance in everybody’s horoscope. If Shani is favorable life becomes beautiful, happy and without much troubles. If Shani is placed badly in the horoscope or with one of or with many of Mars-Sun-Harshal-Rahu-Ketu life may become measurable. Hence to please Bhagwan Shani and to receive his blessing for everybody, I am uploading ShanaishcharStavaraj. It is kind of praise of Bhagwan Shani. This is in Sanskrit. This Stavaraj is a combination of Shani Kavacha and Shani AstottaraShatNam. It is from Bhavishya Purana.
Sindhudwip is the rushi of this ShanaishcharStavaraj. Its chanda is Gaayatri. Aapo is devata. This is recited for Bhagwan Shani and to receive his blessings.
Narad Said.
1 King Dharmaraja (Elder Pandava) first bow to God Ganesh and then told/chanted this stava (Praise) of Bhagwan Shani.
2 Bhaaskri (Name of Bhagawan Shani meaning son of Sun) may protect my head. My forehead be protected by ChaayaaSuta (Name of Bhagawan Shani meaning son of Chaayaa), my eyes be protected by Kotraksho (Name of Bhagawan Shani), my ears bee protected by Shikhikanthanibha (Name of Bhagawan Shani),
3 Let Bhishan (Name of Bhagawan Shani) protect my nose, my mouth be protected by Valimukha (Name of Bhagawan Shani), my shoulders be protected by Sanvartak (Name of Bhagawan Shani),, my arms be protected by Bhayado (Name of Bhagawan Shani).
4 My heart be protected by Souri (Name of Bhagawan Shani), my naabhi be protected by Shanaishchar, my west be protected by King of planets (Name of Bhagawan Shani) and RaviNandan (Name of Bhagawan Shani meaning son of Sun) may protect me from everywhere.
5 My feet be protected by Mandagati (Name of Bhagawan Shani) and Krishna (Name of Bhagawan Shani) protect my remaining whole body. Whosoever recites this kavacham every day receives protection/blessings by Bhagwan Shani and there is no doubt that he becomes happy, have children and live healthy long life.
From 6 to 20 all the AshtottaraShat (108) Names of Bhagwan Shani are recited / told.
Souri, Shanaishchar, Krushna, NilotpalNibha, Shani, Shushkodar, Vishalaksha, Durniriksha, Bibhishan, Shitikanthanibha, Nil-Chayaa-Hrudayanandan, KaalaDrushti, Kotraksha, Sthularom, Valimukha, Dirgho, Nirmasgaatrast, Shushko, Ghoro, Bhayanak, Nilaanshu, Krodhan, Roudra, Dirghashmashru, Jatadhar, Mando, Mandagati, Khanjo, Atrupata, Savartak, Yama, Graharaj, Karali, Suryaputra, Ravi, Shashi, Kuja, Budha, Guru, Kaavyo, Bhanuj, Sinhikasut, Ketu, Devapati, Baahu, Krutaanat, Nairut, Shashi, Marut, Kuber, Ishan, Sur, Aatmabhoo, Vishnu, Har, Ganapati, Kumar, Kam, Ishwar, Karta, Harta, Paalayita, Rajyeshyo, RaajyaDayak, Chaayaasut, Komalang, DhanaHarta, DhanaPrada, Krurakarmavidhataa, SarvaKarmaavarodhak, Tushta, Rushta, Kaamarup, Kamado, RaviNandan, GrahaPidaaHar, Shanti, Nakshatreshi, Graheshwar, Sthiraasan, SthilaGati, Mahaakaayi, Mahaabal, MahaaPrabho, Mahaakaal, Kaalaatmaa, KalKaalak, AadityaBhayaDatta, Mrutu, AadityaNandan, ShatabhiRudraDakshayita, TrayodashThitiPriya, Tithyaatmaa, TithiGanano, Nakshatra Gana Nayak, Yoga Rashi Muhurtaatmaa, Karta, Dinapati, Prabhu, Shami Pushpa Priya, Shyam, TraiLokya Abhaya Dayak, Nilvaasa, Kriyaa Sindhu, NilaanJan chaychchavi, SarvaRogahar deva, and Sidha-DevGana Stuta. Whosoever recites these AshtottaraShat (108) Names of son of Sun and Chaayaa every day; there is no doubt that all his troubles are vanished / removed. It is better to perform Pooja of Bhagwan Shani and with devotion and faith recites the above names. It gives better results on Saturday.
21-25 If Shani is in Lagna (Ascendant) or if in bad rashies (Mesha, Sinha or Vrushika) or unfavorable by Gochari, or in unfavorable Dasha then this Stava should be recited and Shani pooja is to be performed by devotee on iron idol of Shani with devotion using shami flower, akshataa. Such devotee becomes free from sorrow, unhappiness, and troubles from other Grahas are also removed. There is no doubt that devotee who recites this Stavaraj becomes free from fear, bindings and diseases. He becomes rich, famous and has children. When Partha (Arjun) completed reciting this Stava, Bhagwan Shani appeared in front of him and blessed the king fulfilling his desire and disappeared.
Thus here completes this Shanaishchar Stavaraj which is from Bhavishya Purana.
अस्य श्रीशनैश्चरस्तवराजस्य सिंधुद्विप ऋषिः I
गायत्रीछन्दः I
आपो देवता I शनैश्चरप्रीत्यर्थं जपे विनियोगः II
नारद उवाच II
ध्यात्वा गणपतिं राजा धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः II
धीरः शनैश्चरस्येमं चकार स्तवमुत्तमम् II १ II
शिरो मे भास्करिः पातु भालं छायासुतोSवतु I
कोटराक्षो दृशौ पातु शिखिकण्ठनिभः श्रुती II २ II
घ्राणं मे भीषणः पातु मुखं बलिमुखोSवतु I
स्कन्धौ संवर्तकः पातु भुजौ मे भयदोSवतु II ३ II
सौरिर्मे हृदयं पातु माभिं शनैश्चरोSवतु I
ग्रहराजः कटिं पातु सर्वतो रविनन्दनः II ४ II
पादौ मन्दगतिः पातु कृष्णः पात्व खिलं वपुः I
रक्षामेतां पठेन्नित्यं सौरेर्नामबलैर्युताम् II ५ II
सुखी पुत्री चिरायुश्च स भवेन्नात्र संशयः I
सौरि: शनैश्चरः कृष्णो निलोत्पलनिभः शनिः II ६ II
शुष्कोदरो विशालाक्षो दुर्निरीक्ष्यो बिभिषणः I
शितिकण्ठनिभो नीलश्छायाहृदयनन्दनः II ७ II
कालदृष्टिः कोटराक्षः स्थूलरोमा वलीमुखः I
दीर्घो निर्मासगात्रस्तु शुष्को घोरो भयानकः II ८ II
नीलांशुः क्रोधनो रौद्रो दीर्घश्मश्रुर्जटाधरः I
मन्दो मन्दगतिः खंजोSतृप्तः संवर्तको यमः II ९ II
ग्रहराजः करालौ च सूर्यपुत्रो रविः शशी I
कुजो बुधो गुरुः काव्यो भानुजः सिंहिकासुतः II १० II
केतुर्देवपतिर्बाहूः कृतान्तो नैर्ऋतस्तथा I
शशी मरुत् कुबेरश्च ईशानः सुर आत्मभूः II ११ II
विष्णुर्हरो गणपतिः कुमारः काम ईश्वरः I
कर्ता हर्ता पालयिता राज्येशो राज्यदायकः II १२ II
छायासुतः शामलाङ्गो धनहर्ता धनप्रदा I
क्रूरकर्म विधाता च सर्वकर्मावरोधकः II १३ II
तुष्टो रुष्टः कामरूपः कामदो रविनन्दनः I
ग्रहपीडाहरः शान्ती नक्षत्रेशी ग्रहेश्वरः II १४ II
स्थिरासनः स्थिलगतिर्महाकायी महाबलः I
महाप्रभो महाकालः कालात्मा कालकालकः II १५ II
आदित्यभयदाता च मृत्युरादित्यनन्दनः I
शतभिद्रुक्षदयिता त्रयोदशितिथिप्रियः II १६ II
तिथ्यात्मा तिथिगणनो नक्षत्रगणनायकः I
योगराशिर्मुहूर्तात्मा कर्ता दिनपतिः प्रभुः II १७ II
शमीपुष्पप्रियः श्यामस्त्रैलोक्याभयदायकः I
नीलवासा क्रिया सिन्धुर्निलाञ्जनचयच्छविः II १८ II
सर्वरोगहरो देवः सिद्धो देवगणस्तुतः I
अष्टोत्तरशतं नाम्नां सौरेश्छायासुतस्य यः II १९ II
पठेन्नित्यं तस्य पीडा समस्ता नश्यति ध्रुवम् I
कृत्वा पूजां पठेन्मर्त्यो भक्तिमान् यः स्तवं सदा II २० II
विशेषतः शनिदिने पीडा तस्य विनश्यति I
जन्मलग्ने स्थितिर्वापि गोचरे क्रूरराशिगे II २१ II
दशासु च गते सौरे तदा स्तवमिमं पठेत् I
पूजयेद्दः शनिं भक्त्या शमीपुष्पाक्षताम्बरैः II २२ II
विधाय लोहप्रतिमां नरो दुःखाद्विमूच्यते I
बाधा याSन्यग्रहाणां च यः पठेत्तस्य नश्यति II २३ II
भीतो भयाद्विमूच्येत बद्धो मूच्येत बन्धनात् I
रोगी रोगाद्विमुच्येत नरः स्तवमिमं पठेत् I
पुत्रवान् धनवान् श्रीमान् जायते नात्र संशयः II २४ II
नारद उवाच II
स्तवं निशम्य पार्थस्य प्रत्यक्षिSभूत् शनैश्चरः I
दत्तवा राज्ञे वरः कामं शनिश्चान्तर्दध्ये तदा II २५ II
II इति श्रीभविष्यपुराणे शनैश्चरस्तवराज समाप्तः II

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