Sunday, August 30, 2009

MahaLaxmi Kavacha

11 Inches Tall Hindu Goddess Lakshmi (Laxmi) Statue on a BaseGoddess Laxmi Puja Handbook (Swami Ram Charran's Pooja Series, 1)Metallic Gold Laxmi Hindu Goddess Of Wealth StatueWorship Statue Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi Brass Figurines 5.5 inches (vishnub009)Colorful Hindu Goddess Lakshmi (Laxmi) Statue
MahaLaxmi Kavacha

MahaLaxmi Kavacha is in Sanskrit. It starts with bowing to God Ganesha. The Kavacha is from Brahma Purana.
Brahma is the rushi, Gavatri is chanda, and Mahalaxmi is Devata. It is recited for MahaLaxmi.
1 God Indra said that this Kavacha is very powerful and pious Kavacha among all the Kavachas and it protects us (who so ever recites it) and ensures a good and sound health. God Indra requested Guru (Bruhaspati) to tell the Kavacha, for the benefit of all the people.
2 Guru said, I am reciting this Mahalaxmi Kavacha in short which is composed by God Brahma for the benefit of all and it is consisting of many Sholokas.
3 Brahma said, Let my head be protected by VishnuPatni (wife of God Vishnu), Let my forehead be protected by Amrutotbhava, Let my eyes be protected by Suvishalakshi, Let my ears be protected by Sagarambuja.
4 Let my nose be protected by Vararoha. Let my tongue be protected by Vamamnayrupani, Let my mouth be protected by MahaLaxmi, Let my throat be protected by VaikunthaVasini.
5 Let my shoulders be protected by Janaki, Let my muscles of arms be protected by BhargavaNandini, Let my arms be protected by Dravini and my hands be protected by Harivarangana.
6 Let my breast be protected by ShriDevi, Let my heart be protected by HariSundari, Let my kukshi be protected by Vaishnavi, Let my navel be protected by BhuvanMatruka.
7 Let my loins be protected by Varahi, Let my middle part of the body be protected by Devdevata, Let my breast be protected by Narayani, Let my knees be protected by Chandrasodari.
8 Let my middle part of the body, Private parts of the body be protected by Indira, Let my feet be protected by BhaktaNamaskruta, Let my nails be protected by Tejasvini, Let all other parts of my body be protected by Karunamayi.
9 This Mahalaxmi Kavacha is created by Brahma for the protection of the people. Those who recite this Kavcha are great and pious people.
10 Those that are protected by this Mahalaxmi Kavacha become victorious forever. Brahma has requested Amreshwari to become mother and giver of all happiness to those who recites this Kavacha.
11 Earlier Brahma had said that Laxmi, Haripriya and Padma are three names of Mahalaxmi. By reciting these names anybody can get sidhi (God like power).
12 These three names make man dharmaatma. He receives happiness and every wish is fulfilled. After death such person goes to MahaLaxmi’s house.
Here completes this MahaLaxmi Kavacha which is from Brahma Purana and known because of God Indra.

VishnuPatni, Amrutotbhava, Suvishalakshi, Sagarambuja, Vararoha, Vamamnayrupani, VaikunthaVasini, Janaki, BhargavaNandini, Dravini, Harivarangana, ShriDevi, HariSundari, Vaishnavi, BhuvanMatruka, Varahi, Devdevata, Narayani, Chandrasodari, Indira, BhaktaNamaskruta, Tejasvini and Karunamayi are names of MahaLaxmi appeared in this Kavacha
Venus in Capricorn and in First House: Men & Women are found having a good personality. They are very practical, miser, patient and forbearing.

Thought for the day
Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.
MahaLaxmi Kavacha

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